Why Your Broken Past Makes You Wanted.Here’s what I’ve come to realize, your past does not define your future. Forgetting your past is vital to marching ahead in faith! #broken #worthy #loved #purpose #wanted

Why Your Broken Past Makes You Wanted

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Inside: Here’s what I’ve come to realize, your past does not define your future. Forgetting your past is vital to marching ahead in faith!

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Today I’m thrilled to be sharing over at Precepts and Life Preservers. Christine Duncan writes there about her faith and chronic depression or Dysthymia. What I love about Christine’s writing is her honesty and authentic voice as she struggles with her depression. She unmasks and through her words, we can see how her faith helps her as she journeys through the hard.

Why Your Broken Past Makes You Wanted. Brokenness and bad pasts is what God is looking for. Your testimony of how God brought you through is most encouraging when it's overcoming a past problem. God wants to use you! #broken #worthy #loved #purpose #wanted

Have you done something in your life which you want to keep hidden? Are there some skeletons in your closet?

Can I ease some of your discomforts, right here?

Everyone has the past.

The majority of us have a messy past. The rest will have something messy happening to them, which will ultimately become the past.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve done stupid and regrettable things in the past. Many times I’ve wondered if God would forgive me. My actions were awful, and I hurt people. I feel bad and Satan likes to rub my nose in my former mistakes.

Here’s what I’ve come to realize, your past does not define your future.

Your past is not too bad for God, and His ability to turn your life around. Share on X

God tells me this in the Bible.

18 “But forget all that—
    it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
19 For I am about to do something new.
    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
    I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. (Isaiah 43:18-19, NLT).

Why Your Broken Past Makes You Wanted.Here’s what I’ve come to realize, your past does not define your future. Forgetting your past is vital to marching ahead in faith! #broken #worthy #loved #purpose #wanted


In the Bible we meet a hooker with a heart of gold; a few sources have given her this name. Seems a little like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? We usually don’t mention something good with the word prostitute.

To read the rest of this post follow me to Christine’s site.

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  1. Well, you really hooked me at, “a hooker with a heart of gold!” LOL But when I click your link to read the rest it says it’s password protected… 🙁

  2. This reminds me of the young child who has his filthy dirty piece of candy that Mommy wants to take away from him, but she has to gently pry his fingers off one by one and replace it with something clean and wonderful. We are, so often, that child. May the Lord continue to gently remind us of His love and perfect plans for us and of His perfect gift of forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ.
    I wrote a post on Rahab about a year ago. You can read it here if you’re interested: https://plantedbylivingwater.wordpress.com/2016/01/07/who-loves-todays-rahabs/

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  8. I love that you used Rahab! What an example of how God will use anyone, no matter how many mistakes they have made. I think also of Paul (Saul) who used to murder christians, but then God used him to be an incredible missionary!

  9. The Bible is filled with people who had a past, and God wanted them and was able to do mighty things through them.

  10. Yes, we all have a past but God washes us clean as snow! I’m so thankful for his mercies that are new every morning! x

  11. I also love that Rahab is in the lineage of Jesus. She was so changed that she raised Boaz, a picture of Jesus in the Old Testament. God is so very good! Great post!

    1. Alicia- I love that Rahab is in the lineage too! It shows me no one is too messed up to receive a place in God’s plan.

  12. What a fantastic reminder that we are only ever made new through HIS might and HIS power and HIS mercy and HIS grace. When we focus our OURselves and OUR past, we lose sight of His incredibly, redeeming love. Thank you for sharing!

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