How God’s Greatest Power was in the Suffering of the Cross
Inside: We think it would be more powerful to get Himself off the cross, but the power of God was in the suffering of the cross.
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Today, I’m sharing at my friend Kelly’s site! Kelly is a great encourager and her site is all about staying nourished and thriving. I don’t know about you, but this is what I want in my life. For God’s word to nourish me so I can thrive in His purposes for me. When you get to know Kelly, you will definitely want to be her friend.
As they walked along the dusty, dreary, and lifeless path out of Jerusalem, the faces which had held smiles and anticipation, were now covered in sorrow and frowns.
Tears could be seen streaming down the faces of a few. What a week the women had witnessed, what began as the triumph and celebration of the King was now filled with hopelessness.
The man, they had followed for three years, was hanging on a cross in the distance.
As they ambled forward as though restrained, they could see this cross getting more and closer.
This was not what they expected as the flashbacks and stories happened through sobs.
Why the Torture of the Cross Displayed God’s Complete Power
Jesus had proved to them time and time again of His power.
The women saw the healings, the storms calmed and the water turned into wine.
The story of creation, the parting of the Red Sea, and Noah’s flood were all truths in their memory.
From the bottom of their hearts, they knew this was their powerful Creator.
Why was He doing this, why couldn’t He get Himself down off the cross?
We think it would be more powerful to get Himself off the cross, but wouldn’t it take greater power to remain and suffer through the pain and sin of all humans? Share on XHe was the Omnipotent God and He was free to do what He desired. Yet He remained; the nails only like toothpicks to the strength of the King of Kings.
The Passion of the Cross Delivered Love
Every year, my husband and I watch The Passion of the Christ around Easter. The movie is good, but I’m sure the actual event was far more awful.
The days after seeing the movie, as a result, leave me feeling sick. Seeing what Jesus went through, makes me feel guilty. Do I appreciate His gift enough? Is it moving me to live forever changed?
In contrast, many people I have talked to have said: “I can’t watch that movie, it would upset me too much.”
By all means, isn’t that the point? Don’t we want to feel sick and awful after learning about what happened to our Lord? Share on XTo continue reading follow me to Kelly’s blog.
You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent TimesUnshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God
Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life’s Biggest Questions
Jesus the King: Understanding the Life and Death of the Son of God
Jesus the King Study Guide: Exploring the Life and Death of the Son of God
Service and selflessness are still rarely seen as strength even with the proof of their ability to conquer. Beautiful words! Easter blessings!
Liz- Thank you! Easter blessings to you also!
The movie is only a tiny bit of the horrible events that occurred that day.
I would head over to complete the reading
Thanks for sharing and Happy Easter.
God bless
Ifeoma- Happy Easter to you also!
Julie- The Passion of the Christ is a powerfully moving movie and I do agree with you the events of the day were probably way more awful than it depicted. Heading over to finish your post at Kelly’s. We are neighbors today at #TeaAndWord
Thanks Debbie for stopping!
I can’t get through that movie and to be honest, I think I have only seen it once. I know that may be silly but I was wrecked for a week, as I should be and changed for eternity because of the reality of what He did. I agree, the real thing had to have been awful.
And I have always wondered at the way the women who followed were brave through it all, choosing to endure whatever may have been thrown their way to be with Him in his hour of need.
We’ve been talking about suffering a lot here lately, and thinking on the purpose that it provides for us in this temporal earthly life. There is so much depth to ponder in it, in the journey He took to the Cross for us. Thanks for reminding us to consider the blessing of suffering with and for Him.
Bless you!
Dawn- I’m bothered after seeing it too. It repeats in my thoughts and makes me ill. I’ve decided that I need to watch it yearly so I remember.
I wouldn’t have been able to be there, I’m afraid I’d be no better than the disciples that ran away.
Thanks for your comments!
So beautifully written and inspiring. Thanks for sharing at the #LMMLinkup this past week.
Thank you, Mary! I appreciate your kind words!
Jesus had to die on the cross so we could have eternal life!
That is such a powerful truth! It takes real strength to remain in an agonizing situation when you have the power to escape.
Heather- Yes, it is!
I so agree that the meekness He displayed took far more strength than a display of power and might.
Alice- it’s hard to grasp how the Creator could give up his power to stay and suffer.
I’m wanting to really focus on the true meaning of Easter this year for my kids as they are old enough now to understand Jesus’s sacrifice for us.
Melissa- As do I!
“Not only do we have all our infractions paid for, but through faith, we have His power NOW.” I love that!
Susan- His power in us is so hard to grasp!
Praise the Lord for his sacrifice and redeeming us and rescuing us! The Passion is hard to watch but only fraction of what our Savior ensured to save us, yet a powerful reminder to those who watched of how great a love the Son must have for us. To Him be the Glory forever.
Lindsey- Yes, The Passion only gives us bits and pieces, the real passion of Jesus can’t be acted out!
The nails did not hold him to the cross… his love for us did.
Lani- yes!!!