7 Reasons I Will Overcome Fear and Doubt
Inside: Fear kept me from pursuing certain things because I felt like I wasn’t worthy or talented enough. Here are seven tips on how to overcome fear.
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I’m afraid of horses.
Yet I have two donkeys and one horse. How can that make sense? Actually, they’re my daughter’s, but I do have to feed them sometimes. My fear has kept me from getting close to them, and I have not yet overcome it.
When I was a little girl, I fell off a horse and was stepped on by the horse (on the head). I’ve tried to overcome the fear two times in the past with lessons. I’m fine when I’m taking lessons and spending lots of time with horses; however, when I’m not staying active on lessons, I default back to fear and doubt myself around them.
Fear and doubt have been my close friends since I can remember, and I’ve decided that they have met their match. I’m no longer in their chains and dominion.
I have believed lies about myself for too long. I have bottled up my feelings and snuffed them out because I was led to believe that sharing your feelings was wrong.
I’ll be all alone.
No one will like the authentic me.
No one will love me if I don’t fit into their perfect mold.
My fear over the years has caused:
- Indecisiveness
- Abandonment of goals
- Lack of peace
- Doubt
- Anxiety
The Reason for Fear
Fear is an important survival mechanism; for example, a fire or an attack by a wild animal, but for the most part, we aren’t dealing with any of that on a daily basis.
My biggest fear was a result of the thoughts-the lies I have internalized for too long.
What lies have you believed about yourself? Are there chains holding you back?
We will never reach our full potential if we allow lies to inhabit our souls. Share on XFear kept me from pursuing certain things because I felt like I wasn’t worthy or talented enough. I didn’t sing a solo all through my high school career because fear and doubt kept me chained. But, through the promptings of the Holy Spirit, I pushed it down and away.
What have we missed out on because we let fear lead? What are some goals you’ve abandoned because fear is standing in your way?
Fear Will Overcome Us One Way or Another
Four years ago, my husband’s best friend/uncle committed suicide. It was a shock because he was a man of God. He had spent the day of his death plowing the church’s parking lot.
I wonder what lies he was believing. What fears and doubts were blackening his thoughts?
Does it anger you as it does me, that Satan can obstruct our minds with fear and lies- enough to take us out if we’re weak and vulnerable?
From that day, I couldn’t sit back and allow fears and lies to keep others feeling passive. Satan would not be allowed to have another victory because someone believed the lies told to them by others.
Fear and doubt had their match with me, and I wasn’t going to let fear succumb others any longer. I needed to share God in a way which hope and encouragement were always available when tough times were present.
Even if it was scary placing myself in a vulnerable situation, I had to heed God’s calling to give hope to others. It wasn’t easy because I dealt- and still deal- with fear thoughts, but I’m stepping out in faith like I never have before.
Fears, lies, and doubt can put you in some very dark places, but God can reach down and pull you out even in the deepest of pits.
Fear is a tool the devil uses against us to make us miserable and destroy our lives. ~Joyce Meyer
7 Tips on How to Overcome Fear
- Pray (Philippians 4:6-7)
- Reading Scriptures (Psalm 34:4)
- Surround yourself with Christian friends (Romans 15:5)
- Trust in God’s Words (John 12:27)
- Expect God’s help (Isaiah 41:13)
- Remember God is With You (Joshua 1:9)
- God will Deliver you (Psalm 34:7)
I’m not saying that fear is easy to overcome; remember, I’m dealing with my fears based on lies I’ve believed. What I am trying to say is that fear will not keep us as prisoners if we do what God instructs.
It will be a battle to throw out the lies we’ve believed and to replace them with God’s truth; it will be hard and will require gumption and fortitude. Some days, fear will seem victorious, but remember that’s fear talking, not God.
Hope and God’s strength is always available; we need to trust firmly in its availability. We need to wait for God to deliver us because He will. The devil would like us to believe that all hope is gone, but he’s also the father of lies.
Victory is ours because God frees us from all of Satan's lies. #overcomer #nomorefear #solidinChrist Share on X38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
This was like sitting down and talking with a friend. I am not someone who struggles too much with fear but my best friend does and this helped me understand her better. <3 Much love.
Jennifer- thank you for your sweet encouragement! I hope it helped and your relationship with your friend grows even deeper!
It’s an interesting point that fear is a survival mechanism. Another aspect of our minds that God gave us to protect us, yet sin takes it over and helps it rule our minds. I loved your points of how to overcome fear!
Emily- How God intended it has been changed because of sin, like everything else!
“Does it anger you as it does me, that Satan can obstruct our minds with fear and lies- enough to take us out if we’re weak and vulnerable?” Yes!! I see it all the time, and it infuriates me. And then I realize that I too believe lies from the enemy, and the only way to be free is to ask God to drop the scales from our eyes, and also be vulnerable to other Spirit-filled believers who can spot the lies and de-tangle them from the truth. Like a batch of brownies with one drop of poop, Satan lies to us with the technical truth strung together in ways that make it false. We just can’t see the drop of poop that is contaminating the whole thing and keeping us in bondage.
Susan- I get mad also! Praying that we recognize and stand firm together!
These 7 tips to overcome fear are great and so important. I have a long list of items that I missed out on because of fear. This is an area I’m trying to bring truth to as well. Thank you for your genuineness!
Melissa- yes, fear keeps us from living and many times the life God has for us.
Thank you for your authenticity. Overcoming fear has been one of the constant battles of my life. But God has led me safely through some pretty difficult trials. The older I get, the more I just throw myself on His mercy and trust in His protection.
Thank you, Alice! Trust in God is important as we struggle with fear!
Absolutely! I need this…every single day! Thank you for being so honest! Fear is so crippling at times… I am so thankful for God’s safety and provision during times of doubt. He delivered me from darkness, and will see me through life until He calls me home!
Katie- fear does cripple and keeps us from enjoying life. His promises to guide, protect and stay with us is comforting in all fears!
The devil with try and stroke our insecurities, doubt the truth, and try and separate us from the truth so the lies will seem real.
Your 7 tips on how to help us fight fear are great starting points!
Kristi- yes, the devil is good since he’s been doing it from Creation.
“…fear will not keep us as prisoners if we do what God instructs.” AMEN! Love your tips and infographic Julie! So thankful that God can erase all of our fears as we replace lies with His truth.
Dani- thank you for the sweet words!
This one speaks to me, Julie! Love it, thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Meg!
Thank you for the encouragement! I have used all of these to combat the fear that threatens to overwhelm. I think I need to pray and do some more Bible reading at my current season!
Suzanne- I hope praying and doing more Bible reading helps you!
Thanks for sharing your heart! Have you read the Elyse Fitzpatrick book that shows up in the Amazon recommendation links? I really appreciate her writing and emphasis on grace and being grounded in our identity in Christ but haven’t read that one!
Cassie- thanks for pointing out this book, I will have to check it out!