How to Focus on the Meaning of Lent: 40 Daily Lent Prayers
Inside: Does the word Lent confuse you? Or you’d like to participate in it, but don’t know how? Use these Lent daily prayers to help you reflect and join in Lent.
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Do you know what Lent is?
I just spent some time asking a few people what Lent was, and I received the deer in headlights look.
Many have heard of the word “Lent,” but didn’t know what it actually was.
A few said it had something to do with fish fries on Friday, but the
The Importance of Lent
As a child, I remember Lent being a lot like Advent. It meant going to church two times a week.
As a result, for a young child, it was something I didn’t look forward to. Our services were not very conducive to young children.
What is Lent?
Lent is the forty days before Easter beginning on Ash Wednesday.
Indeed, it’s a season of reflection and preparation that culminates in the death and resurrection of Christ.
Additionally, it is a replication of Christ’s forty days in the wilderness.
During these forty days, Jesus fasted from food and drink, and because of this example, many do fast during this time frame.
For example, many participate in a fast whether it be giving up something like social media, or food.
But also to discover, find communion, and focus on Christ during those moments when they crave what they have fasted from.
Alternatively, we can also look at Lent as a way of “spring cleaning” in a sense, we let go of some habits to better prepare ourselves to take on new habits.
(Even though the forty days is longer than what has been said about creating habits in 21 days.)
With this intention, we’re becoming Christ-like which is a work-in-progress our whole lifetime.
What if I Don’t Know What to Give Up
Every Lent season, I catch myself in this predicament.
I’m not sure what I should give up.
I mean what we choose should hurt a little.
We choose things that affect us.
One year, I gave up chocolate, but this year after spending time in prayer, nothing has come to mind.
After spending time googling about “Lent,” I am convicted to spend time in daily prayer this season.
The truth is: it’s easy to make the decision to give up something and then decide it’s too hard, or just cheat a little.
The whole reason for focus in Lent is to change what we’ve been doing and do something new that makes us reflect Christ in greater ways.
Restructuring Habits
By the way, you might be wondering how I’m choosing prayer when the whole basis of “fasting” is to give up something… let me explain a little.
My default or modus opertii is to try and control my day or worry when it doesn’t meet my expectations.
Subsequently, I’m convicted to stop doing this and instead focus on praying when worry, control, or negative thoughts start to bombard me.
On the whole, prayer is a way to draw close to God and join in fellowship with Him.
With this in mind, making prayer my focus should lead me to

Why Prayer?
Prayer is comprised of three elements:
- Communion.
Firstly, we know this is important especially in our world today.
Since the advance of technology, many of us aren’t getting into the real world and talking with friends face to face. Google “loneliness epidemic”- it’s a huge problem that is becoming more commonplace.
In short, life is hard, and we all need the support of friends.
I need Jesus every minute of my day!
All in all, did you know God promises to meet with us and never leave us?
6 “Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.”
- Connection
Once again, humans are made to connect.
We are formed in God’s image, and He is in connection as seen in the Trinity.
Therefore, God desires to be close to us and be in fellowship with us.
This verse exemplifies the connection:
5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”
- Strength and Renewal
When we come before God in prayer, He promises to renew us, encourage, and give us His strength to endure.
I don’t know about you, but I need this daily in order to meet the demands of life.
30 Even youths will become weak and tired,
and young men will fall in exhaustion.
31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.
How We Can Structure Prayer
First, let me say that God just wants us to come to Him and talk to Him.
God isn’t stuck on the formalities of prayer, He wants the relationship with us.
But if you’re like me, I wanted to approach God as the supreme being He is.
Secondly, I wanted to make sure that I was revering Him.
Finally, if I can be honest, I have been bad about daily asking for forgiveness.
I mean I know He forgives me, and I’m not sure if it’s pride or just plain ‘ole forgetfulness, but I’m not great about daily asking for it.
I vowed this Lent to be better.

Lent Daily Prayers
How I’ve structured these prayers in the “40 Daily Prayer for Lent” is:
Worship: by beginning with worship of God’s supreme titles. He needs us to remember His history of steadfastness and how good and mighty He has been.
Gratitude: by becoming grateful for all the many blessings in our lives, it opens our hands to receive and give; it also opens our hearts to see how God has been faithful and loving.
Confession: We are not God, and we need to remember how we miss the mark every day in following His laws perfectly. We are sinners which is why we need God.
Petition: We ask God to help us do something or we ask Him to grant something.
As we participate in Lent this season, may our eyes be open to what Christ has accomplished for us and may we discover Him anew or again and prepare for His gift of salvation!
If you looking for some more ways to celebrate Lent with your family: 14 Beautiful Ways Your Family Can Celebrate Lent

My free gift to you is this 40 Daily Prayers for Lent to draw you closer to God and help you focus and reflect on Him.
Wondrous Encounters: Scripture for LentGive Up Something Bad for Lent: A Lenten Study for Adults
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He Chose the Nails: What God Did to Win Your Heart
I am not much a Lent observer, having grown up in a mainline church where Lent was the only time we were taught to fast and pray. But, I think your time given for more prayer time with the Lord would be considered a “sacrifice” in our busy lives today. I pray you see fruit from it.
Beth- thank you!
Thanks for sharing about Lent. You offered lots of good ideas. I grew up in a church where we observed Lent and I enjoy this time of preparation for the joy of Easter.
Yvonne- thanks for the kind words!
Thank you for sharing about Lent. I liked how you showed that Lent at Easter is like Advent at Christmas. Insightful. 🙂 I usually do a study during Advent that helps me connect with the season of Christ’s birth. Thank you for sharing 40 days of prayer for Lent. I look forward to going through this!
Marcie- so glad!
will not download on Pinterest?
Hey Marcie- I’ll fix it and get it to you!
Thanks for letting me know!
I do not usually observe Lent but understand it as a time to take our focus off of worldly things and place our focus on what Christ did for us (which Christians should always be doing). But, that makes more time in prayer seem like a great Lenten focus.
Beth- yes! Glad you agree!
I have learned to LOVE Lent! It’s such an amazing time of personal spiritual growth for me.
Jessica- that is great to hear!
What a special message! I think the more we share about Lent, the more people will draw closer to God.
Melissa- I agree!
How sad that so few people grasp the true purpose behind Lent. I love your idea comparing it to spring cleaning! God bless!
Nancy- thank you!
Really enjoyed your prayers for Lent. I am doing a plan on youversion and it helps to have a guide prayer everyday.
Thanks for sharing this. Each year I struggle with what to give up for Lent. I like the approach you took with the 40 days of prayer. That is a great way to reflect and spend time with God during this time.
SA- thank you! I hope you find it helpful!
I celebrated lent growing up – well, was kinda forced to. As I got older I understood the ideas a bit more… now I do it some years, but not others.
I do think you explained well the real point – which is to draw us closer to Christ.
I love your analogy of “spring cleaning”! We used to celebrate the season of Lent a little bit growing up, but we never made a strong connection to the spiritual growth. Thank you for clarifying this and suggesting growth in our prayer life.
I love the encouragement to pray throughout Lent. Sometimes we give up things or engage in things for Lent. But engaging in daily and regular prayer is one beautiful and meaningless way to walk through Lent and glorify God.
Thank you for the prayers; I downloaded them. I’m not in a liturgical church that practices Lent but love the focus on humility, fasting, and prayer. One of the beauties of liturgy is taking time each year for practices such as fasting. Thank you!
Thanks Sister for this important informational message I definitely learned quite a bit. God Bless!
Wonderful prayer ideas. Thanks for sharing them.
Thank you for sharing daily prayers for Lent. I will pray one each day. Have a blessed Lenten season and God bless.