The Best Prayer to Break from Anxiety and Find Relief. Anxiety is a chain that keeps you bound. It can overcome your life. Here is a prayer to help you break from anxiety and find relief!

How Do You Break from Anxiety and Find Relief?

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Inside: Anxiety is a chain that keeps you bound. It can overcome your life. Here is a prayer for anxiety!

Today I’m excited to be sharing at Kelly’s blog with a few other talented bloggers. You’ll find a lot of encouragement at her site. I hope you enjoy Kelly’s site as much as I do. Check back often because she covers so many issues in our faith walk!

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The Best Prayer to Break from Anxiety and Find Relief. Anxiety is a chain that keeps you bound. It can overcome your life. Here is a prayer to help you break from anxiety and find relief!

I’ve always been overlooked.

In grade school, I was chosen last when we needed to form teams.

During grade school and high school, I was a good student.  I wasn’t the top student.

I’ve always just snuck by without any fanfare. I was average, and I was OK with that.

In 2011, I made a new friend with anxiety.  At the time, I didn’t know what hit me. Was it heart problems or something else serious? My feet became unsteady and I was plagued by balance issues. I became afraid to drive or even leave my house.

I saw a lot of doctors and got various diagnoses. When no one could cure me, I became depressed. This was my new life, and I just settled in.

My whole life I’ve been a settler (and I don’t mean a pioneer or homesteader). I never fought to get ahead. When the burn happened, I would just give up the fight. Quitter here.

A year ago, God asked me to do something ridiculous. He asked me to share my story, to write.

God asked me to be honest, to unmask and let others know I struggled.

(I laughed out loud when I felt this nudging, most days you can still hear me laughing to myself)

When I was anxious, I felt shame because Christians aren’t supposed to worry. We aren’t supposed to be hopeless and feel desperate, and we aren’t supposed to quit.

Panic keeps you paused and passive.

God didn’t want me to feel overlooked. He wanted me to be courageous and confident.

Me, the girl who likes to blend into the background?

Honestly, I still feel awkward.

I’m still afraid.

When you like to hide, it’s hard to shine with confidence. I’m vowing to unmask and not withdraw this time.

The Best Prayer to Break from Anxiety and Find Relief. Anxiety is a chain that keeps you bound. It can overcome your life. Here is a prayer for anxiety to help you break from it!

Five Ways to Find Anxiety Relief:

Daily getting into God’s Word. This makes such a difference in my day. When I spend time with my Savior, I can handle the job He wants me to do. Does this mean I don’t doubt my ability?  I have learned this is the Devil trying to take me off the path and doubt is his specialty. James 4:7 declares, So humble yourselves before God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you (NLT).

Replacing all the negative thoughts. I need to realign my thinking to what God says about me. I’m my worst critic. I’m mean and condemning to myself. Here is also where the Devil wants to re-arrange my journey. Psalm 94:19 says, When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer (NLT).

Being obedient with what I believe He is leading me to do. I don’t know how this journey will end, but I take each step knowing He is directing me. This is really hard for me because I am a planner. I’ve never walked in faith before, but I know God is asking me to do this. For we live by believing and not seeing (2 Corinthians 5:7, NLT).

Aiming at obedience, not a success. It’s hard to not let earthly success guide me, so this is a daily prayer for me.  He directs me, and lead me to the opportunities You have for me.  Honestly, I question it all continually, but I’ve learned to just write and ask for His blessing. Let go and Let God. The Lord will guide you continually (Isaiah 58:11a, NLT).

Spending a lot of time in prayer. I say a lot of breath prayers during my day. Short, quick prayers, but they make a huge difference in my day. The more you pray, the less you’ll panic. The more you worship, the less you’ll worry. ~Rick Warren

Anxiety might have thought I was going down, but God has shown me who is really in control. He has made me a fighter. Escape anxiety by pressing through even though you feel pressed down.

The Best Prayer to Break from Anxiety and Find Relief. Anxiety is a chain that keeps you bound. It can overcome your life. Here is a prayer to help you break from anxiety and find relief!


Follow me to Kelly’s blog to find some more inspiration!

The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: The Cognitive Behavioral SolutionThe Anxious Christian: Can God Use Your Anxiety for Good?Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic WorldGood News for Anxious Christians: 10 Practical Things You Don't Have to DoAnxious for Nothing Study Guide: Finding Calm in a Chaotic WorldAnxious for Nothing: God's Cure for the Cares of Your Soul (John Macarthur Study)Breaking the Fear Cycle: How to Find Peace for Your Anxious HeartBe Anxious for Nothing (Spiritual Growth Series): The Art of Casting Your Cares and Resting in God

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  1. “Aiming at obedience, not success” is such an important point. For those seeking to follow Christ, obedience is success. But we aim for what we consider success as sinful people instead. So much treasure here, Julie, beginning with you! God is using your story. Thank you for sharing hope and truth today!

    1. Bethany- Yes and I’m so glad that when I blow it on obedience, God’s grace covers it. Thank you for the encouraging words!
      So glad to have you commenting!

  2. Julie, there are so many things about what you’ve written here that speak straight to my heart and my own experience. I’m so glad you heeded the call to write your story … it’s powerful and needs to be told! You might feel awkward but your words are clear and strong. Pressing through with you today … 🙂

    1. Lois- so many thanks to you!
      I’m so glad you stopped by. I am humbled to know God is using me.

  3. Julie, to some it seems clique to prescribe getting in the word and prayer as a way to ease anxiety. You have found it to be true. Thanks for sharing. Your testimony itself will free many.

    1. Calvonia- When we get into His word, He promises to give us rest! Matthew 11:28-30(NLT) Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
      Wouldn’t you agree anxiety is a burden? We think rest equals removal, but God’s ways aren’t our ways. This passage says “I will,” not I might or I can.
      We can rest assured in His promise of giving us rest.
      Thanks for commenting Calvonia!

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  7. Replacing negative thoughts is huge. When we know that God is in control, and that everything will turn around for good, we can start seeing the positive even in negative situations.

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