Want to Recover from Trauma: Watch for These 3 Lies

Want to Recover from Trauma: Watch for These 3 Lies

Inside: All of us have been through tough times and carry the pain with us. We can make strides to recover from trauma when we notice these three lies.*Disclosure: Post may contain affiliate links. See our full disclosure here. Today, I’m honored to welcome Nicole Kauffman to Unmasking the Mess. Nicole blogs over at Courage. Hope. Love…

How Hope Can Help When You're Dealing with Depression. There's a high probability that sometime in life, we will all struggle with depression. Without hope, depression is so much harder to overcome. When we have Jesus, we have a hope that gets us through the tough time. The Hope Toolbox is a great addition when dealing with depression. #depression #hope #tipsfordepression #printables

How Hope Can Help When You’re Dealing with Depression

Inside: There’s a high probability that sometime in life, we will all struggle with depression. Without hope, depression is so much harder to overcome. When we have Jesus, we have hope that gets us through a tough time. The Hope Toolbox is a great addition when dealing with depression. *Disclosure: Post may contain affiliate links….

Why God Needs to be a Part of Anxiety Treatment

Why God Needs to be a Part of Anxiety Treatment

Inside: Anxiety treatment should be multifaceted and include God because it affects so many areas of our being and life. God needs to be part of the treatment. *Disclosure: Post may contain affiliate links. See our full disclosure here. Welcome back to Part 2 of the FAQs about Anxiety Series with Christian mental health therapist, Melissa!…

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