How Do I Break Free From My Repeat Sin?
Inside: Oops, I did it again with sin and got caught up in it? I think I’ve finally got it licked, but how do I break from the same mistake?
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Is there a sin that snags you again and again?
You think A-Hah! I’ve finally got it licked only to find yourself slipping into its greedy hands.
I had been doing really well in regards to anxiety for almost 6 months with limited anxiety and then BAM!
It’s back again.
I mentally go through what has changed. Am I sleeping enough? Eating the right foods? How are my stress levels? I can pinpoint it sometimes, but other times this problem hits like a shot in the dark.
What’s the transgression that entangles you over and over?
I know my anxiety stems from my past, but it can also be due to some genes. I’ve done genetic testing and I carry some mutations that make me more likely to suffer from anxiety.
Honestly, I can work on my past, but the fact I might slip up more to my genome is frustrating to me. I can’t really change that part of me, and it causes me some guilt and shame.
Sometimes I use this as an excuse to let my feelings dictate that I will never overcome this. I can’t do it. Even though I don’t like it, it might be more comfortable staying where I am than foraging ahead.
Is there something that predisposes you to a certain sin?
Sin’s Lure and Breaking Free
Evil has the hardest time when it lures us the first time, but then it’s easier to keep luring us again. We blow it repeatedly don’t we? Sin happens often.
Fish like lures that are shiny and attractive. While I’m not comparing us to fish, the devil always makes sin attractive somehow to us.
I don’t like phases of intense anxiety, but something lures me in.
For me sometimes if I take matters into my own hands, I figure it will turn out better than waiting for God’s timing. I might foolishly think God is sending me bad things, so I need to find another way.
Is God enough? Isn’t this what we are thinking when we repeatedly fall into the cycle of sin? Share on X
The Same Mistakes Over and Over Again
Paul had something in common with us. He struggled with sin and he wanted to know, how do I break from my repeat sin? Though we have been saved and given new hearts, we still fall prey to evil. Those old ways still remain.
14 So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin (Romans 7:14, NLT).
When I think of repeated sinning, I think of the woman at the well. She had gone through numerous husbands, and when we meet up with her in the Bible, she is living with a man who isn’t her husband.
Jesus asks her to leave her life of sin, and her faith becomes reaffirmed.
Here’s the thing, Jesus didn’t make her feel shame, but rather loved her, even though she was caught in a cycle of repeated sins. After spending time with Him, she was moved to live another way. Her faith gave her the strength to depart from her old ways.
Isn’t this good news for us?
Even if we are stuck in a cycle of sin, that doesn’t mean we are stuck forever. Share on XJust like the woman at the well, when Jesus works in us, we want to leave our life of sin. Committing sin bothers us, and we want to live better lives for our Savior.
The woman at the well did the same mistake again and again, but once she met Jesus, I bet she left that mistake behind and lived differently!
We can do this, though it will not be an overnight success. Slowly in time, we will be living more and more in the image of Jesus.
A Christian forages ahead in faith knowing the fruition God promises.
That same mistake is tripping you up? Remember we need Jesus.
23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
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Julie, God does not cease to amaze me. I just started a new topic in my Sunday School class on temptations. You have touched on some of the points I made. I love how you tied in the story of the woman at at well. She was definitely caught in satan’s snare and exhibited repeated sin. Her story gives hope! When we allow Jesus’ love to flow in our lives, we too will become overcomers. I am sharing the link to this blog on my class’s facebook page. Blessings to you Julie. Keep following God’s lead as you write. We are being blessed.
Calvonia- thank you, you made my day!
God is amazing, aren’t the little gifts of affirmation great?
We all are overcomers because of Him, let’s not forget it.
I appreciate you Calvonia!
This post resonated so much with me!!
I too have a predisposition to anxiety that runs in our family. I am in a particularly stressful time in my life and my anxiety levels are higher than normal. I know that God understands me this way and it is “in my genes”. In fact, God used my anxiety to draw me to Himself when I became saved. Anxiety has always been something that draws me closer to my Heavenly Father. So I try to look at it in that regard.
I have been struggling with a lot of besetting sins of late and am becoming frustrated. Your insight into Jesus’ treatment of the woman at the well was extremely encouraging.
Thank you so much for sharing such an edifying post.
Karen- I love your perspective in looking at it as a drawing into Christ! What a mind shift from discouragement to acceptance of the struggle!
You’ve blessed me today with your words!
Such a helpful and encouraging post! Great tips for overcoming sin. I appreciate your honesty and transparency in sharing some of your story. Keep sharing it! So glad I’m following you this week at Lori’s. Blessings!
Julie- thank you for the kind words and encouragement!
Amen! What an encouraging post, my sweet friend. It’s never an overnight thing, but God is doing a work in our hearts each and every day!!
Lauren- growth is hard and painful, isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by!
Sin is so sticky and so sneaky. Grateful we have victory, it’s learning how to walk in it that causes all the trouble. Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging us to press on.
Sarah- thank you!
Blessings to you this week!
I certainly have my fair share of repeating sins. The ones that I’m hyper-alert to right now have to do with how I mother. I’ve living off of 1 John 1:9 right now. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” What a promise! What grace!!! Thanks for reminding me that I’m not the only one stuck in a sin cycle. Bringing your junk into the light helps me bring mine.
Kelli- thanks for stopping! Yes you aren’t the only one caught up in it. Airing out my dirty laundry isn’t fun, but is needed for big change to happen I think.
God does a lot of forgiving and cleansing here.
I read that one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, which I have been diagnosed with, is greater anxiety and fear than others. It helped to know that, but then again I don’t need to “receive” that. (And I love how you aren’t making your genes an excuse, either.) I am not being consistent with training my kids on a couple areas that God laid on my heart, and I know that I need to repent. And not just ask forgiveness, and act like nothing happened, but be intentional to follow through. And stop being lazy about it. I love how you brought out His grace with the woman at the well. He loves us enough to show us our sin, and love us gently at the same time.
Kelly- I didn’t know hypothyroidism can cause greater anxiety!
Yes intentionality gets me because I seem to feel like a chicken with my head cut off most days. It’s hard to change certain things because it requires more than I have to give during the day:(
Thank you for commenting!
This is great! I have too many sins that grab me still LOL Anger, anxiety, fear (Oh my gosh, fear too often!) every once in awhile I really just want to smoke! Yep. I do. It’s so bad. But you’re right, sin grabs us and makes itself looks good. I heard it said once that if sinning didn’t look so good no one would do it because it’s mimicking the best of God. Peace from smoking, joy from alcohol, feelings of being alive from party music, whatever it is. Coming to you from the RaRa Link Up!
Leah- thank you for being honest:) We are all striving to be better! Thank goodness for God’s grace!
I too have had my predispositions for anxiety–and I have had my battles with this miserable challenge. Love your site and this beautifully written post. Your candor makes us all feel we aren’t alone regardless of the sins we face.
Thank you Ginger for your kind words! It’s nice to hear others are battling anxiety too. Makes me feel less alone:)
Thanks for stopping!
What a beautiful truth-filled answer to a tough question, Julie. I was just reading the story of the woman at the well this morning and I also took note of how there was absolutely no condemnation from Jesus. Only simple truth. What a gracious and humble moment for both of them that must have been!
Katie- thank you! No condemnation from Jesus ever, isn’t this such amazing grace!
Strangely enough, the fact that we continue to be undone by sin is one of the things that convinces me of the reality of God. If we were simply evolved animals we would develop self control that would allow us to overcome those things we continue to slip back into. However, we find that we are not in control of our own minds and bodies. We are part of a spiritual battle.
This is, of course, no reason to give in to stubborn sin, but even when dealing with those difficult repeat sins we are reminded that we serve a Lord who is more than able to deal with our frailty.
Romans 7:15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
Rodney- you have some excellent points!
Thank you for stopping!
We are human and are bound to be sinful as we live in this sin filled world. It’s not going to change until we get to heaven. We need to stop being so hard on ourselves when we do slip and acknowledge that Satan knows exactly how we are tempted and continually uses it to make us despair and think that we are not good enough. The truth is that we will NEVER be good enough but we have Jesus who was good enough and gives us his goodness as we can’t ever be perfect. Once we accept that we will never be good enough but we have Christ, it’s a burden lifted. We have to keep reminding ourselves of that truth. Jesus did it for us so we don’t have to. We strive on knowing what the outcome is and knowing that it’s a done deal so we do the best we can and tell Satan that you are on to his tricks. Go to the cross and dump it, then move on. Tomorrow is another day of grace.
Mary Jo- Such great wisdom here! Thank you for the reminders of what we have in Christ and the grace He offers us! So glad you commented 🙂
Awesome post! Because we have the Spirit living within us, we are OVERCOMERS! We don’t have to succumb to sin, for who the Son sets free He is free indeed! 🙂
Christina- yes, we overcomers! Jesus has set us free!
I find that if I confess my sin, God is not only faithful to forgive it but to deliver me as well. It may take time but I can rest knowing that He sees me though the finished work on the cross. Thank goodness He doesn’t condemn us.
Alice- I’m glad He doesn’t condemn us!
It’s a testament to your faith when you continually fight against your anxiety! Just because we all have something we are susceptible to, it doesn’t mean we have to succumb to defeat. Because God never leaves us to fend for ourselves. So we need to hold onto and rely upon Him, even if it’s the only thing we can do. Keep on fighting, girl!
Jess- thank you for your words of encouragement and sharing what you’ve discovered!
Amen! I’m so humbled to know that God doesn’t give up on us. He walks alongside us as we try to overcome sin. Anxiety and negativity is one that always creeps in. I too have some genetic mutations, but I have gained knowledge to help me defeat them! Not only do I physically combat this, I have learned to spiritually combat it. I acknowledge when Satan starts whispering in my ear, and I take authority over that lie! <3 Thank you for encouraging me today!
Katie- thank you for sharing what you do! Keep fighting!
Isn’t it amazing how sin can be so tempting?
Being alert to what Satan is doing is good, along with making a plan of what to do. Next time I get angry, for example, I can stop and connect to God’s love.
Susan- I love how you’re applying action steps!
This came at just the right time for me! I have been dealing with one of those sins that I thought was dealt with, but popped back up again. You are so right that Satan makes sin appealing. He wont try to tempt us with something we aren’t interested in! I will specifically be trying to rely more on prayer. Thanks for the great post!
Thank you, Alysha! Prayer is the best weapon!