Why We Need to Watch Out for Satan in the Struggle
Inside: When we are growing in faith, Satan takes notice of us and we enter the struggle. Satan’s role is to destroy our relationship with God.
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Most of us wouldn’t want to be stuck in the wilderness where there’s a threat of large, wild animals.
Bears don’t give us the comforting, warm fuzzies like our teddy bears do. Their claws are massive, and their teeth large.
I won’t even go into the fear of large cats or even possums. (More about that at a later time.)
After a long stretch of illness, which then turned into anxiety, I found myself in the wilderness.
I had been pummeled, and I was exhausted through and through.
Although I had felt comfortable in my faith, when I found myself here, I was uncomfortable.
In reality, I was a weak part of the herd, so I was an easy target.
When we go through a spiritual wilderness, the vicious animals become more threatening and cause the struggle.
Many people think that Satan and his evil army of demons is a made-up dimension. The Bible assures us that Satan and his ghouls are real, threatening and running throughout the Earth.
12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12, NLT).
The Struggle
The problem with this bunch is there is no bow-an-arrow or rifle that will rid us of them once-and-for-all.
They don’t strike once and retreat from us forever.
The hits are pesky and prodding, and in the Wilderness unrelenting and stronger.
We get confused when in the Wilderness, don’t we?
Many times, we were at an all-time high in faith, and then we wake up and we’re in the backcountry.
That doesn’t make sense, does it?
The truth is when we are flying high in faith, Satan takes notice of us.
We become threatening to him and his plan. The bullseye is placed right on top of us.
It seems like our great faith now is whittled down to bareness. We are now put in a vulnerable position and Satan and his hellish group repeat attack us.
The devil likes to hang out in this barren land because he will sometimes become victorious and pull people from faith.
The devil can cause us to:
• Give up on faith.
• Doubt our faith.
• Become frustrated, confused and irritable.
• Take control and find our own way separately from God.
Satan’s role is to destroy our relationship with God, kill our joy and detour our faith.
If you’ve been through this experience, can we say a joint “Amen?”
The devil is menacing and strong during this period, and we are very vulnerable and weak.
If your spiritual war is now happening, before you lose all hope, just remember:
Someone once said, “When there’s a war, there’s a way.”
The Armor of GodArmor of God pamphlet: Put on the Full Armor
The Full Armor of God: Defending Your Life From Satan’s Schemes
Without Rival: Embrace Your Identity and Purpose in an Age of Confusion and Comparison
Lioness Arising: Wake Up and Change Your World
Girls with Swords: How to Carry Your Cross Like a Hero
Tips for Fighting the Struggle:
Look for Jesus. When you search for Him wholeheartedly, you will find Him. Deeper and stronger relationship with Him is progressing in this barren land.
(Jeremiah 29:13, NLT). If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.
Believe for ourselves.
We can’t use the faith of someone else, we need to use our faith. What do you believe?
42 Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard him ourselves. Now we know that he is indeed the Savior of the world” (John 4:42, NLT).
Everyone’s wilderness experience looks different.
We can’t rely on the tactics of someone else. We need to use our own weapons. God provides us the garments and war gear we need to put on to fight the best battle with Satan.
13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm (Ephesians 6:13, NLT).
Accept we are here in the wilderness.
Trust that God is with us, and He will give us strength.
33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NLT).
You won’t be here forever. You need to trust in God and His plans for you. He wants so much more for you. He is making you into the being only He can see. The process is hard and frustrating, but you won’t be the same in the end.
Seek Him out, and pray for strength and endurance in the struggle.
Yes Julie, everyone’s wilderness experience looks different. Not only that, but I have had a plethora of wildernesses in this 52 years. I’ m so thankful that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has remained my constant every time.
It’s nice to see someone else write on the wilderness. I have felt like I was the only one a few times there. It is always lovely to come out of the wilderness. Each occasion is another opportunity to grow more deeply with Him. Shalom.
Julie- so glad you enjoyed it! Yes, it isn’t fun when you’re there, but the growth after is immense!
Thank you for sharing this! The wilderness isn’t fun, and I have to be on guard during this time knowing that I’m just as vulnerable during the low time as I am the high time. It’s encouraging to know that we are victorious!
I love to hear when others are going through the wilderness too! I find that joys are so easily shared and the rough trials of this life brushed under the rug and never talked about. We need to share both the joys and the pain in life!
Yes, Satan is so sneaky and creeps in to bring us down! We can recognize his same tactics, but when in the battle, it can be so hard to stand firm. When in the wilderness, we have to trust God is alongside us even when we don’t see Him or sense His presence. I love how you said that the season won’t be forever, and we need to remember that, thank you!
I have had extended times in the wilderness. I tell you I am so grateful for a break! When it happens, I try to learn whatever lesson I’m due for. I don’t want to stay there!
Real Talk: “Many people think that Satan and his evil army of demons is a made-up dimension. The Bible assures us that Satan and his ghouls are real, threatening and running throughout the Earth.” Thank you for saying this. For some reason, for so many, it’s easy for them to believe in God and angels yet so difficult for them to believe in an army of darkness that is fighting against them.
Preparing for the wilderness is such an important part! It’s inevitable that we will experience one (or many) but preparation can help them be more productive for us!
I love that you point out how everyone’s wilderness experience looks different! This helps me remember, we all have unique struggles to helps us learn unique lessons in order to show others. Our testimonies are all different to help encourage and uplift each other! <3
“The truth is when we are flying high in faith, Satan takes notice of us.” Isn’t that the truth! And it’s worth it all to live for Jesus!
I so needed this today. I am in the wilderness. The time for preparation has come and gone and I am fighting for survival with what I have. But I do have faith and I know that while I am in the wilderness, there is a promised land.
Satan has nothing but destruction in mind for us. Knowing this helps us keep our faith and focus on God as the giver of good things.
Kristi- you’re right about Satan! Thanks for sharing!