How to Blow Your Mind- Read the Bible (and Understand it)
Inside: I admit it, I’ve never read the Bible from beginning to end. I always fall off the bandwagon. Reasons why we need to read Scripture.
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I admit it, I’ve never read the Bible from beginning to end. I’ve tried numerous times but always fall off the bandwagon.
It usually happens like this:
Monday: I’m raring to go, read through all the assigned readings and I feel like a star.
Tuesday: My child is sick, so my routine changes and I forget.
Wednesday: I’m busy catching up and don’t fit the reading in.
Thursday: I have 10 chapters to read today because I’ve missed the last two days. After chapter 3, I fall asleep.
Friday: I’m so behind, there’s no way I can catch up unless I run away. I give up.
I hang my head because I must be the biggest Christian loser ever.
Why the Bible is Hard to Read
Can I be honest? Reading through the entire Bible is intimidating and overwhelming.
Here’s what I come across when I’ve tried reading it from cover to cover:
• I’m not smart enough because it’s hard to understand.
• Parts didn’t make sense, or they seem irrelevant to me.
• Leviticus was boring, how do I apply to my current life?
• I Read multiple verses but can’t remember what I just read.
I know I’m not alone in this because there is a huge market for tips and tricks to read the Bible.
What I came to realize it that I was trying to bite off more than I could chew.
When eating an elephant take one bite at a time. ~Creighton Abrams
Why it’s important to read the Bible
Know God’s Will (Romans 12:2)
Hope (Romans 15:4)
Life (Psalm 1:2-3)
Holy Spirit (John 14:26)
Leads to freedom (John 8:32)
Guides our steps in right/wrong (Hebrew 5:13-14)
Wisdom (Proverbs 2:6)
Tools against Satan (Matthew 4:3-4)
Faith (Romans 10:17)
Lift burdens (Psalm 119:50)
Joy (Jeremiah 15:6)
Peace (Philippians 4:7)
Do you want success in your life?
I want success in this Christian life and my keys to do this are in the Bible.
Just like our life, the Bible takes us on a journey through pain, death, detours, and destinations. In fact, we have seasons where it’s all about the details and seasons about the growth- just like the Bible reveals.
Transformation happens through the highs and lows of our lives.
The Bible shows us God’s unwavering hand from the beginning to the end. Therefore, He travels with us through the steps of our life.
While we don’t have to read the Bible from cover to cover, we need to be in His Word every day.
Of course, reading through the Bible will be difficult especially when I don’t sit down prepared. Over the years, I have added a concordance and a dictionary to my study time, and they have made a lot of difference.
How to Read the Bible and Like it
I recently became aware of Arabah Joy’s Bible Study Methods course. It’s a 7-day course about 7 different Bible Study Methods.
It’s self-paced so you don’t have to bite off more than you can chew.
AJ provides video teaching and a printable workbook so you can learn whether you’re a visual or auditory learner.
Can I tell you my favorite method?
The Word Bible Study Method: this method looks at a word in the Bible in the original language, the meaning of the word and how it’s used in Scripture. So that, even a verse can be transformed into meat for our souls.
I love how AJ suggests summarizing at the end of this study method and then adding a practical application.
This key part was what I’ve been missing, so I need to put what I read into application every day if I want lasting change.
The best Bible translation is the one you translate into to your life. ~Rick Warren
So are you ready to start taking a bite of the Bible one step at a time with this Bible Study Methods course?
Here’s what you do:
1. Purchase BSM (affiliate link) for $29.00
2. Send [email protected] a copy of your receipt.
3. Julie will send you your link to the bonus freebie.
That’s it, start taking your bite!
Let me know which method is your favorite!
Reading the Bible: A Study GuideA Woman’s Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year: A Life-Changing Journey Into the Heart of God
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth: Fourth Edition
Reading the Bible Again For the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally
Reading the Bible Supernaturally: Seeing and Savoring the Glory of God in Scripture
Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus: How a Jewish Perspective Can Transform Your Understanding
I love reading through the Bible in different translations. My advice is to find a translation that is easy to read. The Message is very reader-friendly for the first time around. Then you can move on to more traditional translations. And, yes, I agree. Pace it yourself. Don’t worry how long it takes. You will be richly blessed along the way.
Thanks, neighbor! Blessings to yoU!
Mari-Anna, thank you for the tips! Blessings to you also, enjoy your weekend!
Such good advice – don’t “bite off more than you can chew!”
I absolutely love studying the w\Word, but reading through it just seemed to be marking off my checklist more than getting something out of it. I love processing the Word verse by verse …
Jerralea- I agree with your checklist thought! Verse by verse 🙂
This sounds like a great resource, Julie! Word studies are also one of my favorite study methods, and I love using resources like to discover the Greek and Hebrew meanings of passages–God Word has definitely come alive in such wonderful ways! I love to take my time reading the Bible, and really savor the Scriptures one sweet morsel at a time!
Christin- I do too:) I just started using and I’m excited to grow more in faith! Have a great weekend!
I have read through the Bible a few times and given up even more. I have even read where I was just concerned about checking off the box and understood nothing.
I found for me I needed to let go of some of the expectations like reading in a year or keeping up. Instead, I did what I could. I also read while drying my hair every day, so it became a habit that I looked forward to.
The program you mentioned looks great.
Maree- that’s impressive that you’ve read through the Bible though 🙂 Wow you’re talented on reading while you blow dry! That’s awesome 🙂
I love Bible study.
It can be overwhelming running all in a year…it is far more important to understand and apply was is being studied.
Thank you for the resource you recommended.
God bless
Amen to application being the key, Julie!
((Hugs)) to you, sweet friend.
Truth! Whenever I set up expectations of what I ‘should’ do, I end up failing miserably into the pit of failure. Reading and praying for the simple love of reading and praying is a wonderful relationship with Him and is so much better! Grateful!
Lillian- yes I do that too!
This sounds like a great way to get deeper into the Word.
Great tips here! Reading God’s Word is so important, thanks for the encouragement!
Sarah- thanks for stopping by!