How Hope Can Help When You’re Dealing with Depression
Inside: There’s a high probability that sometime in life, we will all struggle with depression. Without hope, depression is so much harder to overcome. When we have Jesus, we have hope that gets us through a tough time. The Hope Toolbox is a great addition when dealing with depression.
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Did you know depression affects 6.7% of American adults?
Depression causes us to lose our pleasure in life, it can occur with anxiety and untreated depression can sometimes lead to suicide.
If you’re not sure if you’re depressed, check out this link.
When we’re in the throes of depression, we might not ever think we’ll be free of it. Many times we fall into despair because we can’t access the life we once had.
What is Hope?
As Christians, we have hope in Christ. What does this mean exactly?
It means that no matter what happens to us, we know God is with us, for us, and will help us through whatever we go through.
His word promises to use whatever comes, even depression, for the good of those who love Him.
Why do we need Hope?
Depression in connection with the devil likes to tell us lies.
You will always be like this.
I’m going to stick with you for life.
You won’t ever enjoy your life again.
Without hope, we quickly fall into the lies of the evil one. Hope gives us a stable, firm foundation to rest securely in.
Without faith, we would become self-focused and only worry about our self-preservation. When Jesus is in our hearts, we can focus on God’s directive to love others and serve others even in the midst of the pit of depression.
We grow in faith by spending time in the Word.
17 So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.
Jesus Gives Hope
We already confirmed that with Jesus, He can help us overcome anything.
While this doesn’t mean everyone who asks will be healed from their depression, sometimes God gives us the ability to grow in strength and resolve to manage the depression and live victoriously. #livingvictoriously Share on XDoes it mean we’ll enjoy the season of depression?
Of course not, but we know that an end will come to the suffering because God’s Word says it will.
23 And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us.
What Can We Do When Dealing with Depression?
- Pray
- Read the Bible
- Rely on Therapy
- Choose medication if we desire
- Engage in a small group or get together with friends to encourage and support each other.
The Hope ToolBox
The Hope Toolbox is a printable resource to help when we’re in a season of depression.
What I enjoyed was the variety of options available on it.
I liked the journal for writing down feelings because keeping account of feelings and mood is important to see if certain times of the month we struggle more. As humans, we also overlook when we were feeling good and instead blanket the past with “I didn’t notice any relief.”
I liked that the author, Sara Borgstede, included the research about practicing gratitude to lift depression. I have used this in my own struggles with anxiety.
My favorite part of this resource was the “4 Keys to Motivation.” We all struggle with motivation from time to time and having a page to dedicate to these 4 areas would be helpful.
Sara provides many links and other resources inside The Hope Toolbox to give so more information and ideas of activities to boost the mood.
Finally, she included specific Bible verses and then a daily accountability page. Those who are held accountable do better when making changes to their lives.
I would definitely recommend The Hope Toolbox. It is inexpensive and gives a lot of great information and tips when struggling with depression.
If you want to check out the Hope Toolbox, here is my affiliate link
Disclaimer: I was given a free copy of The Hope Toolbox in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.
You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times30 Days of Hope for Dealing with Depression (Gifts of Hope)
Seeing in the Dark: Biblical Meditations for People Dealing with Depression
Invisible Wounds: Hope While You’re Hurting
Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey through Depression
What a great reminder of the hope we have in Christ! I love how you point out why we need hope. It’s not to just make us feel better!
Thank you!
Spending time with people who truly encourage you can help. Hope is vital for us to thrive, and when we feel stuck in a situation, it’s hard to have hope. Thankfully our hope can be in God who never changes.
Susan- Amen! Even when we don’t feel like we have anything to hope for…we keep trusting and believing that God will fill us with hope. Slowly God fills us with hope.
Hope is such an important tool when we are struggling with depression. Hope in God and His love. Hope that the darkness won’t last forever. And hope that joy will return! The resource looks like a great option.
Thank you for validating! Hope is what keeps us going through anything!
I love the idea of a hope tool box and how it gives you a starting point – tools to help you combat your depression.
I am so thankful for the hope we have because of Jesus.
Hi Julie … seeing depression as a legitimate physical illness is a huge step for many Christian women. Understanding that the root is often hurt, frustration, fear swirling around with tamped down anger is helpful.
Giving hope to a wounded soul is one of the most beautiful gifts we can share. Thank you for doing so here …
Thanks for sharing the hope in Christ, Julie!