3 Obstacles Why Following God is so Hard

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InsideHave you been following God’s plan for your life and it seems too hard? Here are three obstacles that can make it harder. Don’t give up!

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Today I’m sharing over at Courage.Hope.Love and the new series,  “Follow Your Call.” Nicole from Courage.Hope.Love is going to feature a handful of writers throughout the series about what they’ve done to follow their call. It’s going to be a great series.

Have you figured out what God is calling you to do, and it’s been frustrating? So you think you heard God wrong?

I mean you want to be following gods plan your life and yet when you try to do what you think He says…it’s hard and confusing and downright tough!

Do you find yourself looking at other Christians and noticing that their callings seem easier or problem-free? (Click to Tweet)

Friend, I understand it.

For the longest time, I wished God would text me or have a neon sign confirming that I had heard Him correctly. I never got any message from either, by the way.

However, God led me to write and blog, and then hard circumstance after a hard circumstance happened, and I questioned if I heard Him right.

I mean, when we get into the sweet spot of our calling, shouldn’t it be easy? (Click to Tweet)

This was the way I thought it would be.

3 Obstacles Why Following God is Hard. Have you been led to your calling and now are wondering why following God is so hard? Here are three obstacles that can make it harder. Don't give up! #God'scall #truths #faith #spiritualinspiration #obstacles

Following God’s Plan for Your Life

And yet it feels hard, confusing and ….

The truth is, don’t we think that stepping into God’s purpose for our lives should be a cakewalk? Where did we ever come up with this idea? Or maybe it was just me?!?


What I’ve come to realize is that God uses the tough situations of life to make us more ready for our calling. So those closed doors and the technology that goes on the fritz as soon as we begin to write are all parts of the refining process.

A season of anxiety and depression in my journey are stepping stones into a greater walk with God and a more Christ-like nature within me.

So even though I may want to throw in the towel more than I want to admit, I press on even when it’s hard in order to receive the blessings God has waiting for me.

(Philippians 3:14, NLT).

14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.


When I started to write, suddenly friends and family thought that I had a screw loose.

First, they questioned whether God really led me to it. You’re going to write, but you don’t even like writing? What do you have to say, anyway?

Second, they discouraged me. You’re not a great Christian, you’re… and on with the hurtful words they sent my way.

To read more of this post, follow me to Courage.Hope.Love

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One Comment

  1. I love this. I met similar obstacles when I started writing and still encounter them as people learn that about me. Love your tips and especially ‘Frustration and lack of support grow patience, and they push me more towards God.’

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