Why Do I Feel like I’m Not Worth Much?
Inside: I know the Bible tells me I am special and worthy, but my thoughts and feelings like to tell me otherwise. What should be our answer when we ask: how much am I worth?
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As a mom, many days I don’t feel special. I make everyone else feel special and the mundane of life seems to swallow me up whole. I’ve gone through a season of hard, and I really find myself questioning how special I am to God.
I know the Bible tells me I am special and worthy, but my thoughts and feelings like to tell me otherwise.
With all the other people surrounding me, many times it’s hard to see what makes me unique. What gifts stand out?
Have you ever felt this way?
When life is hard, my worth plays in direct correlation of that. The longer the seasons of trials are, the more unworthy I feel. Circumstances steal my feelings of worth.
The definition of worth says, “it’s an amount of something that has a specified value that l
The Blessing Woman
In the book of Luke in the Bible, we meet the woman who was hemorrhaging for twelve years. She doesn’t have a name, but she’s in the extended season of hard.
In the Jewish culture, when a woman was bleeding or niddah, she was considered ceremonially unclean. During the time of bleeding, she would need to be physically separated for seven days. Once the bleeding had ended, she would take a ritual bath, and be considered “pure.”
A bleeding woman was offensive to:
- Her husband
- Her church
- Friends/family
- Objects she touched
The woman we meet in the Bible was bleeding for twelve years. For those years, she was a pollutant. Her husband would have probably divorced her because any relations could yield in arrest and stoning. Church didn’t want her unclean body. Friends and family avoided her like the plague.
She went from doctor to doctor, and no one could heal her. They took her money but left her still as a contagion. She was physically and mentally frail. Exhaustion and despair were close friends of hers.
When we put ourselves in her shoes, we feel unworthy, don’t we? We feel alone. We feel this great emotional distress.
The longer she was sick, the less worth she felt
Our Worth is Defined by God
She journeys to see Jesus, which was brave and risky because she was so unclean.
43 A woman in the crowd had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding,[a] and she could find no cure. 44 Coming up behind Jesus, she touched the fringe of his robe. Immediately, the bleeding stopped.
45 “Who touched me?” Jesus asked.
Everyone denied it, and Peter said, “Master, this whole crowd is pressing up against you.”
46 But Jesus said, “Someone deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me.”47 When the woman realized that she could not stay hidden, she began to tremble and fell to her knees in front of him. The whole crowd heard her explain why she had touched him and that she had been immediately healed. 48 “Daughter,” he said to her, “your faith has made you well. Go in peace” (Luke 8:43-48, NLT).
The Whole Woman
Did you notice that? Jesus called her daughter and whole. Remember our definition from above, it said a specified value that lasts for a specified length of time.
She was whole. Worthy. Forgiven. She was a daughter. She would be a blessing to others. God’s definition of her wouldn’t change ever.
When we view our worth in the eyes of God, we magnify our worth.
Culture saw the blood, God saw the heart.
Our feelings and thoughts can lie to us. When they make us question our worth, we need to:
- Hold tight to God’s truths about us.
- Choose to feel our worth in God.
- Take action and believe the truth even if we don’t feel special.
Action words require action on our part. We can’t feel worthy until we tell ourselves we are worthy.
We are chosen, loved and we need to remind ourselves of this.
Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is believing you’re worthy of the trip.~ Glenn Beck
Worth The Chase: Finding Love God’s WayThe Search For Significance: Seeing Your True Worth Through God’s Eyes
Invisible: How You Feel Is Not Who You Are
Me, Myself, and Lies: A Thought Closet Makeover (Bible Study Book)
Hosea: Unfailing Love Changes Everything (Member Book) (Bible Study)
Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning
Unseen: The Gift of Being Hidden in a World That Loves to Be Noticed
THANK YOU for the view of that lovely sunflower and the wise words that you have shared here. So often I come up short, and then God reveals to me that I’m using the wrong yard stick!
Thank you Michele! I appreciate your encouragement!
Julie, I love your three points about what to do when our feelings and thoughts lie to us. So helpful! The story about the woman who touched Jesus’ hem is one of my favorites. Knowing that Jesus intentionally interacted with and healed this woman–and then made sure the encounter was included in the Bible–was always so comforting to me when I was dealing with infertility and a hard collection other related issues. He valued her, just as He values us today. Wonderful post!
Lois- Our feelings are good liars aren’t they? I’m being more intentional when I feel a certain way to ask if it’s truth in light of what the Bible says. It’s helpful and sometimes those feelings disappear right away!
I’m glad you stopped by!
Julie, I love your post. What a great reminder that we can stand confident in our worth because of Christ and what He’s done for us. Thanks for sharing this great truth today!
Kaitlin- thank you!
Have a good weekend!
I especially love the last bullet point take action – because when we act on faith, trusting we ARE of worth to Him, He acknowledges that, as He did with this woman. So beautifully written, Julie. So on point – a needed message for everyone everywhere!
Meg- I appreciate your encouragement and kind words!
Beautiful, Julie…this especially: “When we view our worth in the eyes of God, we magnify our worth.” Amen! Oh how easy it is to listen to the enemy’s lies…but yes, He calls us precious, whole and called: daughters of the MOST High King. Thank you for this beautiful encouragement.
Anna- we have to always keep our view on God!
Thank you for stopping!
Beautiful as usual, Julie! I love that although there were crowds too numerous to count who had touched Jesus — He felt her touch personally because of her trust and belief in Him. And because of that, she was healed. No words were needed. She didn’t need to ask – and He didn’t need to even lay His hands upon her. She simply needed to reach out to Him in faith and belief! WOW! Profound!
Rebecca- It’s an amazing story, isn’t it? I don’t know if I’d have been as confident if I was sick for 12 years. Imagine what she felt when He called her daughter. She was avoided for so long and Jesus made her feel loved! He’s amazing!
Julie, your honest words of encouragement speak volumes! Thanks for the reminder that our identity is found in Christ, not our own opinions of ourselves. Psalm 139:13-14 give us the reassurance that we ARE worthy, we are God’s precious creation—warts and all! 🙂 Beautiful post! Stopping by from #FreshMarketFriday
Laura- thanks for the kind words! Our self-comments are pretty rude, aren’t they?
Have a good weekend!
Precious sister in the Lord!
Thank you for sharing this! Great reminder for me. This has blessed me on this Mother’s Day. It helps to know we are not alone in our struggles. The enemy loves to make us think that we are the only one thinking and feeling that way and that everyone else is better than “I”
Blessings and Shalom
Edith- yes the enemy does want us to think that! You are not alone ever!
Thank you for stopping!
“When life is hard, my worth plays in direct correlation of that.” ME TOO! Today has been exactly one of those days and I’ve felt just like that woman with the issue of blood. Thanks for the encouraging reminder that we are worthy!
Mary- so glad it encouraged you!
I know when I get on the comparison train I can start to falter big time and struggle with my worth and purpose. It’s such an evil trap. When I am able to focus back on God and the path He has laid out specifically for me it can help me to feel worthy and special in His eyes.
Melissa- it is a trap and can lead us away from what God is doing in and through us!
Thank you for such a wonderful reminder that our worth is found only in God. The enemy tries his very best to fill our minds with lies. I am not going to lie and say that is always easy not to listen to him.
Keisha- it is easy to listen to Him and believe his lies. When we realize that they are lies, we can cover them in truth!
What a beautiful reminder! I’ve definitely gone through phases where I’ve been trying to make sure others feel loved and special that I don’t take time to allow others to make me feel the same. But I also need to remember that at the end of the day, God is the only One who will satisfy that longing!
Emily- I’ve been there too! God can definitely satisfy us!
This post is just fabulous. You really brought to life what this woman must have felt. That bible account is so powerful! Also a great reminder to us today. Great work!
Chelsea- thank you! I think we can all identify with the bleeding woman sometime in our lives!
I think it’s so beautiful how God uses “outcasts” to prove His goodness. He proves over and over His unfailing love for us! <3 Only he can sustain, and fill what's empty!
Katie- I think it’s significant too. It’s a rag to riches story before Hollywood even got a hold of the storyline!