Want to Know God's Promise When You Question Your Faith? I had just spent weeks feeling empowered and faith-filled. I was a child of the King and nothing was standing in my way. Then my feelings change and I question my faith. Want to know God's promise when you find yourself questioning your faith? #questionyourfaith #life #faithinGod #Christian #hope

Want to Know God’s Promise When You Question Your Faith?

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Inside: I had just spent weeks feeling empowered and faith-filled. I was a child of the King and nothing was standing in my way. Then my feelings change and I question my faith. Want to know God’s promise when you find yourself questioning your faith?

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Want to Know God's Promise When You Question Your Faith? I had just spent weeks feeling empowered and faith-filled. I was a child of the King and nothing was standing in my way. Then my feelings change and I question my faith. Want to know God's promise when you find yourself questioning your faith? #questionyourfaith #life #faithinGod #Christian #hope

I had just spent weeks feeling empowered and faith-filled. I was a child of the King and nothing was standing in my way.

In my mind, the darts from Satan would come, but I replaced them with confident assurance.

 I’m not good enough, but I replace with I am a child of God through faith.

You can’t handle this, instead, I am a conqueror through Him.

Firm and on fire for Him. Satan had no chance right now.

Then, I wake up one day and I feel deflated. Doubtful and melancholy.

Want to Know God's Promise When You Question Your Faith? I had just spent weeks feeling empowered and faith-filled. I was a child of the King and nothing was standing in my way. Then my feelings change and I question my faith. Want to know God's promise when you find yourself questioning your faith? #questionyourfaith #life #faithinGod #Christian #hope

Emotions Lie

How am I going to do all this today?

I’m tired, irritable and overwhelmed.

The triumphs of the last few weeks had been replaced by the tires of today.

I ask myself, what happened? How did I change so quickly?

I read my Bible and spend time in His Word but go through cycles of faith to doubt and uncertainty.

Can you relate?

What I have learned is I am fickle in feelings. I change often. I’m like the tilt-a-whirl at the Fair. Up and down and all around.

The good news is God never changes.

He isn’t present one day and then gone the next one.

He’s the beginning and the End.

The Great I am.

Constant and Unchangeable.

Because God never changes, I know these attributes of Him are rock-solid.

Solid truths from God

  • I can firmly grasp His promises because He is the Truth.
  • God is unwavering in His love for me.
  • He is always a constant companion. He is a present protector.

(Malachi 3:6, KJV).

For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Repeated times of empowerment and soul -full of fire. I want the ability to deflect the darts of the devil because I am so snug with Jesus.

Reality is, I don’t like this up-and-down nature that my faith goes through. I feel like I must be lacking in faith because I waver.

I’m a lousy Christian.  I’m so two-faced, God. Where is my loyalty to Him?

Moments of Doubt

The Bible reassures me that even the Disciples had moments of doubt.

 When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!”

27 But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”

28 Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.”

29 “Yes, come,” Jesus said.

So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted.

31 Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”

32 When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped. 33 Then the disciples worshiped him. “You really are the Son of God!” they exclaimed.

(Matthew 14:26-33, NLT).


The disciples were with Jesus day in and day out. They witnessed the miracles, the excitement of Jesus and the conversations that made them confident in their faith.

Surely they had souls on fire. But at this moment they were filled with doubt and uncertainty.

The disciples climbed on the tilt-a-whirl of fickle feelings.

Peter reached out to Jesus and began again. From doubt to devotion.

Just as I begin again.

In those times of fickle feelings, I need to propel myself deeper into Him. #faith #trust Share on X

These might be the footsteps of a greater faith. The rungs getting me closer to constancy.

When the darts of doubt come, I discipline myself to devotion.

Can you relate? What do you do in these moments of fickle feelings?

Doubting Toward Faith: The Journey to Confident ChristianityHe's Greater Than You Know: Essays for a Doubting ChristianDoubting: Growing Through the Uncertainties of FaithUnshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of GodA Father Who Keeps His Promises: God's Covenant Love in ScriptureEmbraced: 100 Devotions to Know God Is Holding You Close

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  1. Oh Julie, yes, I can relate…but like you, He’s teaching me to hold out my arms for grace. And one day He returned me to the Garden of Gesthemene and showed me that even Jesus was overcome by emotions…but in turning to His Father was filled with the courage He needed to walk forward unto the path of suffering that awaited Him.

    For the first time I also stopped to consider if the grief that overcame Jesus in the Garden was not a grief for His people, a people whose skin and emotions He had entered full force. It made me wonder if He saw Peter and the others standing there upon His death in disbelief, grief and doubt…and all of us too…on the days our emotions become waves … And that this is what weighed upon Him so….It makes my heart warm thinking of it like this and knowing how deep His love goes for us.

    1. Anna- I love your thoughts! Makes me so much more intrigued to think of all the compassion He has for all of us and what He feels to see what we experience!

  2. Oh yes! I can certainly relate, especially with the word “deflate”. Here’s my favorite line of yours today (although there were several!): “When the darts of doubt come, I discipline myself to devotion.” Love it! #testimonyTuesday

  3. This verse immediately came to my mind: “So the one who thinks he is standing firm should be careful not to fall. No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it.” 1 Cor. 10:12-13 We can expect all kinds of doubts, fears, sufferings, and temptations. The enemy wants us to be bewildered when they come our way — and especially when we buckle under their crushing weight. But we are not crushed! We are not overcome! We won’t face anything that a million others haven’t faced before us. God isn’t surprised one bit — neither by the things we suffer, or our reactions. He stands there the same – yesterday, today, and always. He loves us and is ready to lift us up and use all of our doubts and hardships for our greater good. Now THAT is something to find hope in!! <3 Thank you for this wonderful post.

    1. Rebecca- I love the verse you shared! The enemy knows where I trip up. I’m so glad I have God to fall back onto. Nothing works as good as immersing yourself in the Word.
      Thanks for your encouragement!

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