I’m No Olympian- When Fear Holds Me Back in Faith

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I’m scared of starting the propane grill. There I said it,  laugh at me.

The gas, flames and the thought of a large pocket of propane gas igniting terrifies me. I don’t grill if Greg isn’t home.

I have a lot of fear. It holds me back.

I have the Creator of the Universe on my side, and yet I’m afraid to light the grill.

Timidity almost kept me from starting to blog. For almost six months, I held myself back. I was too afraid.

Coward in the house.

We think of Olympians being on the opposite of fearful, don’t we?

I came across a list of Olympians who were filled with jitters, and yet it didn’t stand in their way.

  • U.S. swimmer Adam Peaty was afraid of water when he was a child.
  • Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal is scared of thunder and storms
  • U.S. basketball player Jimmy Butler is uneasy around water
  • Canadian skier Aleisha Cline is afraid of heights

Fear is powerful, isn’t it? Sometimes it paralyzes us, and keeps us stuck.

Fear captures us and creates doubt that God is with us.

Do you have misgivings about what I do?

  • Failure- what if I fall short?
  • Success- what if I get a big head?
  • Competition- what if she is better than I am?
  • Sacrifice- what if I waste my time doing this instead of doing that?
  • Risks- what if I spend a lot of money on this and it fails?
  • Change- what if it shakes up my world, and changes what I envisioned?
  • Pain/pleasure- what if it hurts/ what if I like it too much?

My cold feet keep me from progressing and becoming who God wants me to be.

The woman who boldly steps out in spite of her fear, has the power of the Resurrected Savior behind her.

I want to embrace that truth and kick my timidity to the curb, don’t you?

I'm No Olympian. Does fear hold you back? Is it keeping you from living the life God wants you to? Are anxiety and doubt hanging around you?

Gideon the Coward

My favorite wimp in the Bible is Gideon. He was overcome with trepidation and was hiding.

Sound familiar?

I might not be hiding, but I can sure do a good job at blocking out what God wants me to do.

The Israelites had turned from God, and enemy nations were bullying them. Chicken-Heartedness was rampant in the area, and the Israelites were lost and dispirited without God.

The enemy nations had taken everything, and now were on repeat attacks for crops and food. Gideon was hiding in a winepress threshing his family’s wheat. Fear of Security

The angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and asked him to step out and save Israel. Gideon needed multiple proofs, because he was part of a weak clan, and he was the weakest in his family.  Fear of being Unqualified

Gideon then becomes fearful of the angel of God. Fear of Death

The Lord asks Gideon to remove the idol his family has been worshipping. Gideon waits till night because he’s afraid of his neighbors and family. Fear of Rejection

The Lord has Gideon spy on the enemy army because he is afraid to attack. Fear of Failure/Competition


How does Gideon’s example take us from wimp to Warrior?

  1. God calls us when we are preoccupied with distress.
  2. He doesn’t call the strong, but the weak. The humble, not the prideful
  3. Go in spite of uneasiness
  4. Step out of our comfort zone
  5. God understands our fears, but doesn’t excuse us in spite of our fears
  6. God is with us
  7. Listen and take the first step

Gideon became more confident and courageous because he became filled with God’s strength.

Fear doesn’t have the final say, our Father does. Share on X

Here’s the truth.

If God is prompting you, it’s for His glory and not yours. Faith increases when we step up and believe in spite of the timidity. We might need to wrestle with the fear, but over time, the fear will shrink and faith will surpass.

I might not ever be an Olympian, but I have a mighty competition ahead of me. I’m going to leave my fright behind and step it up in faith, and fight with the strength of the Resurrected Lord.

The founder of the International Olympic Committee, Baron Pierre de Coubertin once said “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.

1 John 5:5 (NIV)Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

I did light that grill by the way. Fear is taking a back seat, faith is leading my way!

Get a free “Five Courageous Verses” printable here


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  1. I love this statement: “FEAR DOESN’T HAVE THE FINAL SAY, OUR FATHER DOES.” I love love love it. What a proclamation to hoist up high when fear threatens our living and being! So grateful to have read these powerful truths today, Julie! Visiting from #DanceWithJesus today 🙂

  2. This post has me shouting, “Yes!” and “Amen!” This is a much-needed word, as it’s still so easy for God’s people to let fear and insecurity be the last word. I especially appreciate your biblical illustration and application. It’s an honor to feature this at A Divine Encounter on Friday! I’m so glad you shared it with us at Grace & Truth. 🙂

    1. Jennifer- you’re so sweet! I don’t want to live in fear, but bold confidence in my Savior. He is working on me, now if I’d just trust;)
      Wow- that’s so great to be featured at your site on Friday! So many thanks!


  3. I so relate to what you’re sharing here. I have more than my own share of fears. 🙂 (And I don’t like our grill either.) But thankfully the Lord works with us through and even in those fears. Thanks for the grace you share here that there is always hope to overcoming our fears.

    1. I’m so glad you have overcome your fears. He’s still working on me about them!;0)
      I appreciate your encouragement!

  4. Fear held me captive, and still does at times, far to long!!! Thank you for using Gideon to encourage us through this struggle!! God Bless!

  5. I love Gideon, Julie. He might very well be my favourite wimp too. 🙂
    Fear can be so crippling and the (scary) thing is we don’t always see it for what it is. I’m right now trying to overcome some fear issues myself and praying for God to make it clear so that I can tackle it head on.
    Thanks for sharing your heart with us and inspiring us today.
    Hugs and blessings,
    Marva | SunSparkleShine

  6. Another fabulous post, Julie! Fear does keep us stuck, but our Father will do mighty things through us when we step through it! Thanks so much for being a part of #MomentsofHope! I am so thankful for you!
    Blessings and smiles,

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