
How You Can Make Peace Possible in the World

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Inside: We can make peace possible in the world, but it boils down to finding love in ourselves and our relationships. We can make the world a different place.

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Today I am sharing at the site,  Joy Pursued. Kira is a new friend, but I have already found her to be helpful and encouraging. Her site begs us to find the unique life God has for each of us and gives us practical applications on how to do that! I hope you’ll check out her site!

As she stood on the busy highway amidst other protestors, you could tell the passion in her body language as she held her sign high for all to see. The activists were against the potential war happening and urged to make peace possible in the world.

Not only could her spirit for tranquility be heard in her voice, but her clothes and tattoos all conveyed love through the many doves and peace symbols present. Her whole body oozed fervor for peace.

After many hours standing in the hot sun, she went home and checked her answering machine.

When she replayed them, one in particular, made her stomach churn and she deleted it promptly without any thoughts.

Unfortunately, the call was from her family trying to reconciliate and end the separation. The girl wanted nothing to do with it.

How You Can Make Peace Possible in the World. We can make peace possible in the world, but it boils down to finding love in ourselves and our relationships. Peace begins with us. #peace #shineyourlight #christianwoman #christian #letGodshine

Conflict Rules

A silent epidemic is happening in society, seven percent of families are separated. What our culture is seeing is increased strife within families. If it exists with those closest to us, how can we expect to be without conflict in relationships outside our families?

Pain and wounds are evident in many people today from a conflict in relationships.

Everyone has a wound from someone else.

Are you walking wounded?

How You Can Make Peace Possible in the World. We can make peace possible in the world, but it boils down to finding love in ourselves and our relationships. Peace begins with us. #peace #shineyourlight #christianwoman #christian #letGodshine


Make Peace Possible?

A lot of strife exists in our word which conversely means peace is absent. When we look back over history, moments of order and tranquility are minimal. Is peace possible or is it elusive?

Here’s the thing, humans aren’t peaceful in our sinful nature. We have desires that many times are “me-centric” and selfish. We grasp for a life free from strife because God created us in His image. Our heart’s longing is to live with ease and love.

The definition of peace: freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility or the cessation of war and violence (Merriam-Webster).

The Bible’s definition of peace is to be complete and fulfilled in God whatever the circumstance.

The Foundation for Peace

God is Yahweh Shalom, the Source of Peace. The true harmony which happens in a relationship with God.

Isn’t it funny how we want world peace, but yet we are at war within ourselves and within our relationships?

When the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus, they were hoping to stone her and create conflict.

Isn’t this how we are many times? We want to see conflict or drama because secretly it makes us feel better about ourselves. It puts another feather in our hat at someone else’s expense.

However, Jesus reminded everyone present they were no better off than her. They all sin, and they all have been caught doing things we shouldn’t. He dismissed the conflict and instead brought peace into the situation.

This woman could now leave her life of sin, and Yahweh Shalom could fill her.

When we have Christ in our life, peace begins with us.


Making Peace Possible Begins within Us

So many times, we want others to change their behaviors, but we don’t think we have anything to change about ourselves. We’re fine, and it’s them that has the problem. Remember the sliver in another’s eye and the plank in ours.

Here’s the thing, if we don’t have ease within ourselves, how can we expect to make peace possible in the world?

It sounds like a tall order to bring peace to the world, but growing more loving and extending that to our daily life is possible when we have a relationship with Jesus.  Jesus’ death brought us peace. We can grasp tight to the truth He has us.

Because God fills us, we can be His hands and feet to the people around us. We can make peace possible by showing love and grace to others.

Peace begins with us. We can help make peace possible in the world.


To read the rest of this post follow me to Joy Pursued.


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  1. Yes, because the Peace-giver lives in us, we should be Peace-bringers every where we go, and we are fully capable as we continually abide in Christ. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Andrea- Yes, God always wants us to reach out to Him. When we’re tight with Him, we can spread His light to others!

  2. I love how you pointed out that a lot of times we point out what others need to change, but we have a hard time changing what we need to. That is so very true! I actually started praying for God to change my heart a few months ago and boy have I felt so much more peace. Great post!

  3. It’s so true that we want to change others’ behaviors before our own! We look to create peace through external means, ignoring the turmoil going on within us as a source of disruption for the entire world. This post encourages us to work on ourselves first and through Christ in order to be successful!

  4. Yes! We need to resolve the conflicts in our own lives in order to be an example to others. James 4 talks slot about the root cause of our quarrels and you touched on it here as well.

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