5 Bible Verses for the Christian Parent
Inside: Parenting isn’t easy. We are work-in-progress as parents and so is our child. We need God for both seasons. Here are 5 Bible verses about parenting.
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Starla Jimenez is sharing on Unmasking the Mess today. Some interesting things about Starla, she is a homeschooling mom living in Mexico, but she was born in the States. She blogs at starlajimenez.com. I enjoy Starla’s honest and authentic posts and her Facebook feed is always packed with great encouraging graphics, videos and posts. She’s a bold Christian woman leading others on their faith journey!
My floors are dusty. We moved to Mexico last year and are just settling into our home. It’s not finished. No counters and cabinets. And no flooring yet, just raw uneven concrete.
The concrete flooring is causing a major problem with dust in the house. We cannot walk barefoot in the house. I can dust everything one day and the very next day everything has a thin layer of dust coating.
The house is a work in progress. Just like us – parents.
Parenting isn’t easy. It’s a beautiful thing, but it is not easy.
Some days my heart overflows with all the love and cuddles of my littles. And yet, on other days, I’m grasping the bathroom sink, looking into the mirror thinking I have no clue what I’m doing.
So I dove deep into God’s word to find these 5 Bible Verses for the Christian Parent to help encourage us through the ups and downs of parenting.
5 Verses for the Christian Parent
Psalms 127:3-5 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
Children are a blessing, reward and a heritage!! Wow, what a great perspective and responsibility from God. Our little ones are a reward from God!
This is our goal, right? That our kids would be fierce women and men of God when they get older. The number one responsibility we have as Christian parents is to point them to the heart of God.
Bible Verses about Parenting
Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Always remember, God started a good work in you and your kids – He will finish the work He started. No one has failed. Every new day offers new grace and mercy. Your kids don’t need to see you perfect, but they do need to see you surrendered to God.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
You can do this! Repeat after me, You can do this! You are the perfect parent for your kids. You need them and they need you. God has given you everything you need to raise your kids and raise them well. Seeking God every day for guidance is a must!
Psalm 5:3 In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.
Invite Jesus into your day – every day. Before your day gets started – pray over your day, your children, your husband and yourself. Invite God to guide your heart, feelings and thoughts. Submitting to God’s will and allowing His love to shower you as your parent each and everyday.
One last final tidbit of encouragement…Rejoice! Let the joy of the Lord always overshadow your home as your raise mighty warriors for Him. Rejoice in the fact that God has amazing plans for your children! Rejoice in the knowledge that you are not alone in this parenting thing – God is for you and is always with you.
Bio: Starla Jimenez is a grateful wife and mom of two kiddos that she homeschools. They live in the beautiful country of Mexico. You’ll usually find her with a cup of coffee in her hand, but Jesus before coffee is her motto. She loves color, old doors, and nature walks. She loves to encourage women and give big hugs! You can find her over on her blog starlajimenez.com and on social media Pinterest, and Instagram.
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your FamilyShepherding a Child’s Heart
Grace Based Discipline: How to Be at Your Best When Your Kids Are at Their Worst
Grace Based Parenting: Set Your Familiy Free
The Christian Parenting Handbook: 50 Heart-Based Strategies for All the Stages of Your Child’s Life
The New Strong-Willed Child
Praying the Scriptures for Your Children: Discover How to Pray God’s Purpose for Their Lives
Strong Mothers, Strong Sons: Lessons Mothers Need to Raise Extraordinary Men
Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls
Hi Starla, nice to meet you. 🙂 We homeschooled our boys for 13 years. Graduated our oldest two, and just this year have our youngest in a private high school. It’s a high-calling, but such beauty amidst the mess. Sounds like y’all’ve still got some settling to do there in Mexico. Prayers for strength and blessing for y’all. I, too, am so glad God is always with me in my parenting — and so glad He fills the gaps I leave. Thanks for Sharing today, Julie and Starla. ((hug))
Brenda- thanks for stopping by and commenting!
These are great verses! I am especially touched by Psalm 5:3.
When I was younger, I learned this verse as a song, so I can’t seem to read it without hearing the music playing in my head. 🙂 It is a catchy tune that brings a smile to my heart and to my face.
I believe the lyrics go like this: In the morning, oh Lord, You will hear my voice; in the morning I will call on thee, and eagerly. Don’t wait another day to hear my voice, oh Lord my God; in the morning I will call on thee.
I need to pray for my immediate family more. Thanks for the reminder of how important that is.
Ruth- thank for sharing! I need to pray more for my family also. 🙂
Funny, a bit ago I confessed Prov. 22:6 back to God, in assurance and prayer. My husband and I are preparing for our oldest to fly the nest soon. He’s heading to college in a few months, and how we’ve parented him in the Lord has been on my mind much. These are solid scriptures, wise guidance, Starla. Beautiful encouragement. Thanks, Julie, for sharing your space as well. #graceandtruth
Kristi- thanks for sharing! I’m not looking forward to the fledglings leaving. What am I going to do? 🙂
Always the Word (with coffee) and we will be sustained in this wonderful and stained world of parenting! Blessings from a mom with three daughters…
Sue- thanks for commenting!
Such great reminders! Thanks for sharing Starla.
Kira- thanks for stopping by!
Love these wonderful scriptures from the heart of Starla to parents.
Appreciate both you, Julie, and Starla! Much love to the both of you!
I appreciate you too Lillian!
Absolutely amazing reminders! Thanks for sharing this post Starla.
Thanks for stopping by Staria!
Mae- so glad to meet you! If we always keep our focus on Jesus, we can overcome anything. I need this tattooed on my wrist on the hard parenting day:)