The Best Cancer Gifts for Your Loved One
Inside: Is there someone close to you that has cancer? Here are some ways we can encourage and give Hope to someone. Ideas for cancer gifts for anyone.
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Did you know that there were 1,735,350 new cases of cancer diagnosed this year? I can bet that someone close to you has been affected by cancer. Unfortunately, we aren’t isolated from its effects anymore.
For many of us, this causes huge change, transition, and shift in roles as we navigate the waters of cancer. Our normal every day is plopped right on its head with endless activities related to the word “cancer.”
We might find ourselves at the hospital more, at the doctor’s office daily, or even spending more time within the walls of our homes.
Our expectations of what we thought life should look like are now in a complete tailspin.
Our emotions might feel like we’re riding a roller coaster that never stops.
We might wonder if we’re doing enough, or maybe too much. We might begin to feel burned out for having to do extra activities that were not on our platter before.
Nightly, we might find it hard to relax and sleep because of the anxiety, anger, and feelings of being overwhelmed all due to this disgusting word “cancer.”
Walking With Cancer with Others
Here’s the thing, God expects us to walk with others through their pain and hardships.
We aren’t Christians in a vacuum, but it’s part of growing in faith as we transverse hard times with others.
God and cancer intersect and provide an arena for a new faith, faith growth, and ministry.
2 Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.
The truth is, not only do we deal with our own
Cancer patients have to deal with:
- Physical pain
- Fear
- Depression
- Acceptance of a new body image (if chemo or radiation has changed their body)
- Finding meaning in life
- Grief
- Guilt
- Loneliness
- Changes in relationships
- Stress

We Are All Survivors
Here’s an important foundation to remember, all of us go through hard times and struggles whether it’s cancer, miscarriage, divorce, etc.
While our human thinking tends to rank difficulties and assign value, we all have survived through some hard things.
We all understand struggle, fear, and the grasping for Hope.
As Christians, we have the awesome opportunity to use our faith to minister to not only those struggling through cancer, but we have the chance to live out our faith.
The Best Role Model
Jesus knew His purpose for being born a baby and coming to Earth. While He walked on the ground, His purpose was to die for our sins and bring His Father glory.
Even though He faced struggles, He served people, healed the sick, and had compassion for others. Jesus used every moment to increase faith and trust in Him.
The fact of the matter is, cancer patients do better when they have strong emotional support, friends, and family to speak life into them and actually have a better quality of life when they are supported.
Jesus manifested all of this as an example for us. He cried, loved, and spoke life into those struggling and gave them Hope in Him.
Jesus proved to the world that we are never alone, He cares about us, and if we trust Him, He will increase our faith.

An Example
29 After Jesus left the synagogue with James and John, to Simon and Andrew’s home. 30 Now Simon’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with a high fever. They told Jesus about her right away. 31 So he went to
herbedside , took her by the hand, and helped her sit up. Then the fever left her,and she prepared a meal for them.32 That evening after sunset, many sick and demon-
possessedpeople were brought to Jesus. 33 The whole town gathered at the door to watch.34 So Jesus healed many people who were sick with various diseases, and hecastout many demons. But because the demons knew who he was, he did not allowthemto speak.
Jesus had compassion and served those who needed Him. His ministry grew because He gave people Hope they didn’t have before. He made sure everyone knew they mattered and they weren’t alone.
If you need more inspiration from God’s Word to spur you on during this hard time:
Reaching Others Through Cancer Gifts
As we approach the Holidays, many of us have people in our lives dealing with cancer. I listed some ways you can help them in this post.
Some of us in this season of life might not be able to give the time of presence or physical help, so I wanted to include some gifts that cancer patients have found beneficial.
Tickets to movies, concerts, etc
Gift card for a massage
Gifts of Apps/Games for phone
Gift of movies for DirectTV/Dish Network
Having compassion for those struggling in the throes of cancer helps us practice the Golden Rule of loving others. This season also helps us grow in humility, care for others, and have compassion for them.
We have the chance of appreciating health and wellness, and we can become inspired by actions we need to do to take care of the bodies God has given us.
True faith and trust in God happen when we go through hard times.
13 When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.
Willow Tree hand-painted sculpted angel, Courage (26149)Chanasya Warm Hugs Positive Energy Healing Thoughts Super Soft Plus Fleece Sherpa Microfiber Comfort Caring Gray Gift Throw Blanket – Get Well Soon Gift for Women Men Cancer Patient – Gray Blanket
Tummydrops Ginger (bag of 30 individually wrapped drops)
Compassion Blanket – Breast Cancer Support Blanket Get Well Support for Women Men by Wolf Creek Blanket | Warm Hugs Healing Thoughts Positive Energy Courage Soft Fluffy Caring Throw-Teal (50
Tummydrops, Natural Peppermint, 30 Drops
Our other gift guides:
10 Thoughtful Gift Ideas When Losing A Loved One
One of the sweetest gifts I received during my chemotherapy and radiation was a “Sunshine bag”, from our Pastor’s wife. Inside the bag was a gift to open each day. The gifts were wrapped in yellow paper and placed in a yellow bag. The bright yellow was uplifting. Some of the gifts were a journal, notepad, devotional book, soft mints, dvd of a funny movie and gift cards. Very special.
Melissa- I love this idea! What a gift of love!
This is beautiful and thoughtful. Thank you!
Jessica- thank you!
Julie, this is an important topic and reminder that we are called to “share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). So often people shy away from wading into others’ hard stories yet as Christ commanded we are to love each other – and that love is one that includes leaning into hard spaces, providing supporting and essentially being Christ’s heart, hands and feet in loving others and showing compassion. Thanks for the post!
What a great thought! Meeting others in the midst of their pain/struggle/illness, is our way to be the hands and feet of Christ to them! “They will know you are christians by your love”; loving others and gifting them with things to show them they are loved and cared for in teh midst of a horrible illness is a way to do just that.
Paul- We have such an important job to be Jesus here on Earth!
Thanks, your recommendations really helped me come up with some ideas for friends and family who are suffering through cancer this year.
Yvonne- I hope it helped!
Hi Julie. Cancer has not hit our household yet, but certainly our extended circles. In fact, my wife’s best friend lost her battle several years ago at a young age.
I love this: “While our human thinking tends to rank difficulties and assign value, we all have survived through some hard thing.” Sometimes we may think that an issue is too small to step into, but surely God made us to help where we can. Oh, if we all followed through with stepping in.
Thank you for sharing your heart.
Love this list, Julie. I also love the reminder that Jesus had a support system around Him during His life on earth, a life He knew He had to give up for us. I remind myself of that when I start believing the lie that I’m selfish for wanting close relationships. While I have never fought against cancer myself, my loved ones have. This was so encouraging to read!
Excellent ideas on how to help those who suffer. Thank you!
Love the list and the reminder to walk with others. That is the Christian life. Great post!