Hey You- Your Story Matters. Inspiring stories, especially about faith help, encourage us to walk in faith. Your story can help someone else grow in faith and walk with confidence. #motivation #Christian #life #ideas #faith

Hey You, Christian Woman- Your Story Matters

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Inside: Inspiring stories, especially about faith help, encourage us to walk in faith. Your story can help someone else grow in faith and walk in confidence.

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Hey You- Your Story Matters. Sharing our personal journey of faith makes a difference. We need to hear Christian testimony of Jesus. We give hope and encouragement when we share our walk along with Scripture

The Holocaust was a horrific event in history.  Many people lost their lives. Those that remained carried the sights, sounds, and images in their hearts forever. Many individuals stand out during the time frame, not because they suffered more or experienced something far worse than others, but because they told their story.

Anne Frank wrote her story in a diary and Viktor Frankl shared his in a book.

If either of them would have kept their story hidden, we would have missed the real accounts of the Holocaust. We can’t imagine it without being there, but both of these individuals gave us an up close and personal view of what they experienced.

Hey You- Your Story Matters. Inspiring stories, especially about faith help, encourage us to walk in faith. Your story can help someone else grow in faith and walk with confidence. #motivation #Christian #life #ideas #faith


Bold Bravery

When we read other’s survival stories, it causes determination within us. Doesn’t it cause us to believe, I can survive whatever I’m going through? It gives us encouragement and a hope to read about other’s struggles.

Boldness is needed when stories are shared.

What if Anne and Viktor kept their stories hidden? What if they didn’t want to admit the feelings they had gone through, the pain and struggle with their faith?

Hiding Away

Everyone has some form of junk they’ve experienced. Many times, don’t we feel like we are the only ones who struggle? Friends seem to be living on easy street, and we’re in the city dump.

Who wants to showcase their nervous breakdown or depression? Instead, we want to mask ourselves and tell others we’re great,  and life is fine.

How many time have you caught yourself saying to yourself, what’s wrong with me? Why does everyone else have it together, I’m a mess?

But, My Story is Rated R

We’re afraid to share our stories because we feel like others won’t like us if we aired our dirty laundry. Share on X

My story is too evil, bad, horrible, sinful…you add the description you’ve used in your mind before.

People would see the real us, and what if they didn’t like it? What if they looked down their noses at us?

Rejection, repulsion, and retribution are definite realities when we unmask and let our experience out.

As a result,  we hide and find the most flattering mask we can conjure up to appear how we want others to see us.

It’s exhausting, isn’t it?


My Story

My past is not something I’m proud of. I have acted in ways which were hurtful and left negative impressions on those I love. Control was something I thought I needed to master, and I was constantly striving and trying to display I had a life together and neatly wrapped up.

The reality is trying to keep it all together caused stress. Eventually, anxiety and depression closed in, and I was bound up tight.

I was embarrassed to admit to others how I really felt, or what I was struggling with.

As a Christian, my whole trust should be in God, His provisions, and direction. I got it all wrong.

When God urged me to write, I put Him off. I thought I had to heal first and then write. What I have found is sharing my story has healed so many of my gaping heart holes.

The pain and shamefulness have been replaced with hope and a purpose of reaching other women struggling in hard times.

Inspiring Stories Change Lives

What if I told you someone out there needed to hear your story? What if their life would change and become better because of you?

The worse parts of your past could be the most encouraging and life-changing, which ultimately would broadcast God and give Him glory. Share on X

What Your Story Can Showcase

Struggle- Display your feelings and faith. How you made it through.

Truth- Raw, authentic view and perspectives as a Christian woman.

Origin- What pain afflicted you, and what you are doing to break this cycle from repeating.

Reason- What you have learned and what you feel is your purpose now.

TestimonY– God’s glory and your mission field to help others.

Hey You- Your Story Matters. Inspiring stories, especially about faith help, encourage us to walk in faith. Your story can help someone else grow in faith and walk with confidence. #motivation #Christian #life #ideas #faith


The Authentic Christian

We can’t be an expert without the experience.

I don’t know about you, but I want to hear about other’s experiences. I’d like to hear about their struggle and how with God they overcame. It’s uplifting when I hear about how God brought them through.

So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don’t be ashamed of me, either, even though I’m in prison for him. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News (2 Timothy 1:8, NLT).

You can be a comfort to other women struggling. Your pain can become a powerful testimony. We can give hope and assurance that God will help them through.

God needs you as His hands and feet in a culture where the focus is self-help. Only God can bring true lasting healing. He is the only one who can transform us into the masterpiece He has planned.

God can transfer your experience into excellence.

While we aren’t living in the Holocaust anymore, we are living in a world where others lose their lives each day.  Unbelief, death, suicide and many other tragic endings are stealing lives each day.

What if your life experience created hope and encouragement to another person? Who is going to come up to you in Heaven and say thank you,  because you made a difference in my life?

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Hey You- Your Story Matters. Inspiring stories, especially about faith help, encourage us to walk in faith. Your story can help someone else grow in faith and walk with confidence. #motivation #Christian #life #ideas #faith

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  1. Knocking it out of the park, Julie! I’ve shared this on our writing team page at Planting Roots and will share on my FB page on Friday am. I’m really enjoying your posts and am so glad to have been linky neighbors with you several times lately. Building relationships with other bloggers is such a joy:)

  2. I totally agree- I love to hear other people’s stories- whether that’s individuals’ experiences of historical events like the Holocaust, or testimonies of God at work in people’s lives, there is something very powerful in sharing stories. It is not always easy to write about our own stories but I have also found there is something healing about it and it is amazing when we see God using it to encourage others and let them know that they are not alone.

    1. Lesley- yes, it isn’t easy. There is so much healing in getting it out though. God wants us to share it!

  3. Wow, Julie, this one really struck a nerve with me. Too many times I can feel as if my story doesn’t really matter. But what if, there’s a woman out there who finds hope in the words I share and the struggles I’m going through. She deserves to hear it, doesn’t she?
    Thanks, friend, for keeping it real.
    Hugs and blessings!

  4. Julie, thanks for the encouragement! Sometimes we just feel small, don’t we? What could I possibly have to share that’s worthwhile? And yet, the stories that resonate most with me are the ones of people like me. Our world is so trapped in glamorizing media stars, athletes, etc. It’s easy to forget that God created each of us, and each of us for a story to tell and a purpose. Blessings as you continue to write your story and encourage others to write theirs.

    1. Alice- yes, I want to hear the stories of small people doing the impossible. It’s encouraging! Blessings to you as you share your story!

  5. This is so good, Julie! I can relate to this in so many levels! So grateful that we serve a God who redeems our past and gives a future and a hope! ?

  6. Thanks for that encouragement. I have a story that maybe someday I will have the courage to tell. 🙂 Glad you linked up at Literacy Musing Mondays!

  7. I completely agree, Julie! When we are willing to be vulnerable and share our stories and how we have endured, overcome, managed, or even just acknowledged our past can be beneficial for others.

  8. I believe this wholeheartedly! When we turn our dark parts over to the Lord, he creates something so very beautiful!! It takes a level of vulnerability to step out with our stories, but this is what God calls us to! (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11) Being vulnerable with our testimony could encourage, heal, save a life! Thank you for sharing, Julie!

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