How to Believe In the Impossible with God this Christmas

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Inside: Is there something impossible standing in your way? Could we shift our own perspectives and begin to believe in the impossible with God?

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Are you struggling right this very minute with something that seems too difficult to maneuver through?

Maybe it’s grief, fear, anxiety, depression…

Or perhaps it’s the news reports that really aren’t uplifting. Actually what is reported on the news is downright depressing and hopeless!

I’ve had to stop watching the news because it hasn’t been doing anything except making me feel like the whole world is falling apart. 

And here’s the thing,  You (and I) tell ourselves that it will be better, but day after day it remains… we can find so much wrong in this world and in our lives, can’t we!?

And those problems seem super big. Sometimes in our minds, they seem larger than God or at least we live like they are, don’t we?

Let me tell you a little secret…our human minds search out for things that are wrong. Our minds like to laser-focus on what is wrong, missing, or unfair.

Our minds also want to tell us this, that giant in the path, our minds know that you know that God could take it away.

But He doesn’t….

Is it cancer in a family member? Some family dysfunction that is hard to ignore this time of year? Perhaps it’s money problems or marital discord?

Maybe it’s the injustice happening around the world and the evil that is so pervasive. Sometimes it seems so overpowering, doesn’t it?

What’s your impossible?

It’s hard to have something hanging over us with Christmas and the end of the year coming, isn’t it?

Believe the Impossible with God

Christmas beckons us to believe in miracles and receive our heart’s desires.

Like little children with our ever-expanding gift lists, we hope that our desires and prayers will come true this Christmas… or at least, we’re hoping they do.

This year, I’ve been praying extra hard that the truth comes to light! I’m praying for family and friends who need a break and need some answers.

If only God could remove this, patch this up, apply His healing balm and our list continue…but deep down we grasp what our flesh wants to scream.

He won’t come through for me….why is it easier to believe that He will come through for others but somehow we are excluded from that belief?

Friend, I’ve been there.

I prayed for years for the resolution to a large, looming giant in my path. Part of me started to believe that God wouldn’t come through…however, He did come through.

The problem is I forgot his record in the Bible and in my own life that when another giant shows up I again doubt He will.

Maybe not in the way I want, but He always comes through in some way. Remember He knows what we need better than we do.

Even when we can’t see any possible way, He is working behind the scenes.

Let’s not forget, that our God is a master of the impossible.

He excels at the issues we can’t fathom working out!

Believe in the inconceivable with God.

Because faith is the first step for the impossible to happen.

Examples of the Impossible in the Bible

Let’s peruse some first steps of faith in the recorded Word:

An engaged girl, Mary, gets pregnant without having relations with another human being.

What is otherwise known as “The virgin conception” and I must point out this has never happened again.

Elizabeth and Zechariah conceiving well past their biological clocks without any IVF or surrogacy.

The truth is, human minds beg to say it can’t happen, this couple must have been younger than they admitted.

However, the Word of our Lord says Elizabeth and Zechariah were well advanced in age.

What about the steps of faith as Mary surrendered and her willingness to accept how God led her?

She says, “as you wish.”

(Luke 1:38, NLT).

38 Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her.

The Impossible Continues

Even though pregnancy out of wedlock could result in death, divorce, and a cold shoulder for life. If we put ourselves in her shoes, could we be as accepting?

Can we explain Joseph’s cooperation and his eagerness to love Mary unconditionally, in spite of the baby who wasn’t his?

Or what about how Joseph remained instead of letting lies and doubt envelop him and disconnect him from Mary is a miracle in itself. Indeed, Joseph took Mary home as his wife.

What Haven’t We Seen

Since the Bible was written, what miracles have happened? What awesomeness have we missed?

God has done the implausible, impossible, improbable, inconceivable, and incredible in the Bible.

And He continues to do it every day….the impossible happens every day!

Sometimes obvious and sometimes it doesn’t become clear for a long time, but we can be assured He is always working. 

What haven’t we noticed because we’ve been so dead stuck on what God can’t do…instead of what He has or will do!?

Have we had things work out that we think are due to luck?

Here’s the thing… God doesn’t work in our view of possibility but in His view of the impossible.

(Romans 8:28, NLT).

28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Does it mean it was too impossible for God when the cancer isn’t healed, the marriage falls apart, and the depression doesn’t lift?

 When we flip our mindset, we shift our own perspectives and cling tightly to the truth that God is orchestrating something beautiful!

He is weaving something beautiful into our lives!

 When the worse happens, we can tell ourselves that God causes everything to work out for those who love God.

For example, cancer could turn into something that brings others to faith!

The marital discord can be a growing season that finally gives yields to a stronger marriage that can mentor another struggling marriage!

The truth is, we can’t always understand how God will work it out. But we can trust His word says, He will cause it to work together for the good of those who love Him.

Friend, do you love the Lord?

Then every struggle and heartache will turn out good.


What We Can’t Understand

We want healing, a solid marriage, and the end of our depression; but could God be doing deeper soul work?

The healing might not come as we desire, but His ways are not our ways!

Gifts we might receive:

  • Stronger faith
  • Tighter family unity
  • Patience
  • Mercy
  • Grace
  • Gentleness
  • Compassion

Gifts we weren’t originally seeking, but that God gives us instead.

It’s important to realize, God’s ultimate healing holds unending possibilities.

Here’s the thing, your impossible is only an image in your mind; God’s possible is unimaginable.

Therefore, this Christmas is the beginning of miracles.

Healing from God is multi-faceted, and He knows what we need best. He promises to take care of us, and work out for the good of us and He loves us enough to send Jesus to us.

Pray we accept His ways, trust what happens and lean into what He is doing!

To read some other Christmas posts:







Jesus Calling for ChristmasJesus Calling for ChristmasJesus Calling for ChristmasUnwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent DevotionalUnwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent DevotionalUnwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent DevotionalCome, Let Us Adore Him: A Daily Advent DevotionalCome, Let Us Adore Him: A Daily Advent DevotionalCome, Let Us Adore Him: A Daily Advent DevotionalThe 25 Days of Christmas: A Family Devotional to Help You Celebrate JesusThe 25 Days of Christmas: A Family Devotional to Help You Celebrate JesusThe 25 Days of Christmas: A Family Devotional to Help You Celebrate JesusBecause of Bethlehem: Love Is Born, Hope Is HereBecause of Bethlehem: Love Is Born, Hope Is HereBecause of Bethlehem: Love Is Born, Hope Is Here



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  1. Dear Julie,
    Thank you for these beautiful thoughts today:
    “It’s important to realize, God’s ultimate healing holds unending possibilities.
    Your impossible is only an image in your mind; God’s possible is unimaginable”
    I am so blessed to be your neighbor at #SittingAmongFriends today, because these reminders are just what God has been speaking to my heart. Blessings to you!

  2. I love your list of gifts we might receive. Sometimes we forget that every opportunity is a chance to grow in faith and character. That’s why it says “in” all things give thanks and not “for” all things.

  3. Beautiful blog. I needed to hear this. I have an impossible situation that only God can do the inconceivable and impossible. Oh how I love Him!!

  4. This is so true Julie! We just never know what we’ll learn through what we might think is battles we’ll never get through, yet ultimately come out of the other side seeing that it was the best learning experience from our Lord that we could ever imagine. Thank you for the post!

  5. Beautiful thoughts. It is also important to remember that He already gave us the greatest miracle of all: salvation and the hope of heaven. Whatever our story, death is not the end.

  6. There are times when I think that the wonderful plans he has for us are simply not to be discovered in this life, but the next. Maybe he will take delight in proving me wrong someday. Thanks so much for sharing. Your neighbor from Moments of Hope!

  7. Love this: The truth is, we can’t always understand how God will work it out. But we can trust His word says, He will cause it to work together for the good of those who love Him.

    We can trust.

  8. I just read a devotional this morning on a similar topic. Such a great reminder this time of year. The Bible is full of examples of God doing the impossible, including the birth of Jesus.

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