True Hope: Why Jesus is the Reason for the Season
Inside: What problems or pain are you dealing with? Jesus is the reason for the season and He arrived to give you hope in every problem you face.
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Have you ever thought of the surroundings in the birth of Jesus? What was happening to the people living in this day and age?
The reality is, the settings probably don’t differ that greatly from what we are experiencing. Cultural norms, technology, and materials were different, but the basic makeup of humans was still the same.
It’s important to realize, people were struggling and questioning their lives in the grand scheme of the universe. Others were facing depression, anxiety, sickness and a host of other human problems. The world was full of evil and sin, just as it is now.
Hope Was Lost
As a result, people were without hope, questioning violence and feeling sad about the world they could see with their eyes.
The Romans were causing pain, fear, and suffering on the Jewish people. People were living with the frustration of having to pay money to support the Roman Empire. For this reason, they were weary of the circumstances they were living in.
Does it sound that different from what we experience today?
In the midst of the evil and darkness, the Son of God was born in a lowly stable. #Jesusisthereasonfortheseason Share on X Not a grand mansion or a castle on the hilltop. In fact, Jesus was born in the mundane of life, before the hooves of cows and donkeys in a stinky stable.
Many people missed the birth, perhaps they were focused on their own lives and how they could overcome the circumstances they were in. The innkeepers missed the chance to have the “Great I AM” born at their inn because they were already filled and couldn’t provide a place for the dear baby Jesus to rest his sweet head.
Will You Miss the Miracle?
Although the miracle was happening right around them, they missed it. In essence, they couldn’t stop or didn’t want to stop to make room for the King in their lives.
The shepherds, however, the lower class of society, witnessed a miracle in the sky. I find it intriguing that those looked down upon in society got to have such a key part of the birth of our Savior. It almost seems like the shepherds were waiting for him as they quickly hurried to see Him.
These lowly shepherds searched out the miracle straightaway and it changed their lives.
Our world today so desperately hungers for hope, yet uncounted people have almost given up. There is despair and hopelessness on every hand. Let us be faithful in proclaiming the hope that is in Jesus. -Billy Graham
Jesus is the Reason for the Season, will you choose Him?
It’s important to remember, God didn’t force people to witness the miracle, but rather allowed them to choose to be a part of it.
Life would never be the same for these herdsmen. God changed their lives, not only their physical but their eternal one.
Generally speaking, how is your life working for you?
Are you feeling apathetic and despair over your circumstances? Do you yearn for something more, or question if this is all there is?
Jesus is Hope
This is the Holiday of Hope for you! The newborn babe is waiting for you in the manger, will you search Him out? #God #Savior Share on XWill you let Him change your life?
He’s not going to force you to change your life, but if you trust Him and let Him in, He will give you purpose and joy.
After all, His birth happened so you can be in Heaven with Him someday. His delivery means you don’t have to suffer forever. Jesus came to Earth to love you and forgive you.
What hard thing are you dealing with?
Are there marital problems, addiction, depression or infertility? God is able to come to you in your darkness and give you light. His hope and joy extend beyond what you’re experiencing. Jesus is the reason for the season and He arrived to give you hope in every problem you face.
Why Jesus can help you with every trouble you face:
- Jehovah Jireh: the God who provides
- El Gibhor-Mighty God
- Jehovah Nissi: The Lord our Banner
- Elohim-Creator, Mighty and Strong
- El Shaddai -God Almighty
- Jehovah M’Kaddesh -The Lord Who Makes Us Holy
- Shalom -The Lord Our Peace
- Jehovah Tsidkenu-The Lord Our Righteousness
- El Olam- Everlasting God
- Jehovah- Eternal God
- Jehovah Sabaoth- The Lord of Hosts
- El Elyon- Most High
- Jehovah Rohi- The Lord Our Shepherd
- El Roi-God Who Sees
- Jehovah Rapha: the Lord Who Heals
He is the God of any problem and can help us in each hard thing we go through. This is the best news.
The Wise Still Seek Him
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don’t give up. -Anne Lamott
Right now in our culture, we are dealing with the same human problems. We still feel sadness, despair, fear and lament. However, hope is still here. Hope is still in the manger and if we seek Him out, we will find Him.
He can take whatever hard season and give us a new perspective. He still changes lives. Will you seek out the sweet baby Jesus?
The Christmas message is that there is hope for a ruined humanity–hope of pardon, hope of peace with God, hope of glory–because at the Father’s will Jesus became poor, and was born in a stable so that thirty years later He might hang on a cross. -J.I. Packer
To read other posts in my Christmas series, HeartBreak Holiday:
Dysfunctional Disaster Holiday
It’s the Wonderful Time of the Year
Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma’s HeartGrieving with Hope: Finding Comfort as You Journey through Loss
50 Days of Hope: Daily Inspiration for Your Journey through Cancer
Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey through Depression
Daring to Hope: Finding God’s Goodness in the Broken and the Beautiful
Hope for Each Day: 365 Devotions for Kids
Such a great post rich of biblical truth! Thank you for all of the names of God and the reminders that He is bigger than each and every one of our circumstances! That certainly does bring hope. Great post Julie!
Melissa- He is bigger than anything we are dealing with! He is Hope! 🙂
“God is able to come to you in your darkness and give you light. His hope and joy extend beyond what you’re experiencing. Jesus is the reason for the season and He arrived to give you hope in every problem you face.” Yes!!
Susan- thank you! 🙂
Thank God for HOPE! This is indeed the very reason not only for this season but for every day. Hope will prevail!
Keisha- hope is the reason He came!
Today was a hard day. I spent most of it seeking the Lord and asking the Holy Spirit to fill me with joy. I am struggling to get into the excitement of Christmas this year and I don’t like that. I love celebrating Jesus and His birth. I love sharing that excitement with my kids. And I loved that you wrote a post for me to read today about the focus of the season. Thank you.
Aly- I hope you can find the excitement of Christmas and the joy of the Savior!
Thank you for the reminder. Often we get bogged down with the news, and business that we often can walk right past God and what He doing.
Robbi- I agree, we can miss what He is doing!
Love this! Thank you for sharing, Julie! Such a beautiful reminder in the midst of what is sometimes a hard season of the year for some. I really appreciated your pointing out all that was going on when Christ did make His appearance on this earth. So encouraging!
Thank you, Rebekah! I appreciate it!
I am so thankful for the hope that Christmas gives us–Christ entering into our world so he can bring us to him. Love that names of Jesus graphic, too!
Leigh- thank you!
So much truth shared here. I appreciate how you explained the names of Jesus in a cute way to capture children’s attention and mine!
Kristi- thank you!
Oh Yes the New Born babe is waiting in the manger. Beautiful! indeed when this season arrives … there is something new that He births .. and only if we keep Him as the reason will be able to discover what He has birthed in us.
Ann-thank you for sharing this!
His hope sustains me in each moment. Great post.
Melissa- Yes, His hope is sustaining!
We can’t allow our busy, distraction-filled lives to drown out the miracle of Jesus! Thanks for this. xoxo
Amen! Thank you, Julie.
Jessica- thank you for reading!
I love the definition of the names of God, it really shows us how much He cares for us. He truly is the reason for us to celebrate the season. Thanks Jessica
Yvonne- yes, He does care about us!
I loved this post and especially the reminder of the names of God. In essence, He is our everything! Amen.
Deb- thank you!
Julie, thanks for drawing us back to the context within which Christ arrived. For there are many similarities between that time and today – where there was darkness, despair and worry over the future. Yet, Christ entered into that darkness and gave them hope. Just as he continues to enter into our circumstances to give us hope. I too appreciate the list of the names of God. It was a great reminder of God’s character and his abiding love for us.
Anne- thanks for sharing this!
What a blessing it is that Jesus stepped into our messy and grief-filled world! This is a great message of hope for the holiday season. It reminds us of the need to be aware, to notice, to see where Jesus is acting and changing our circumstances and our lives.
Melinda- I agree- it is a huge blessing!
I love the list of names for God. Thank you!
Stephanie- thank you!
Yes- hope! The birth is just the beginning!!
I love love love your graphic with varying the names of God. I feel like we miss this in our translations sometimes.
So beautiful. Merry Christmas!
Christina- thank you!
Beautiful job relating our struggles to the same ones experienced in Biblical times! Your blog is very easy to read, yet still deep & profound at the same time! I look forward to reading more of your insights!
Elizabeth- thanks for the sweet words!
Jesus is our hope. I love that. It’s so true. Without Him, we would have no hope, but because of Him, things can change. We can change.
Anneliese- Yes, He is true Hope!
Hey, Julie. Good post. I think your point about the circumstances of Jesus’s birth is a good one. I’m a sucker for good backstory. It helps me understand what’s going on better. For a nation that had been oppressed by several other nations in its history, Israel was desperate for Messiah. So how did they miss him? The same way we do today. No matter how desperate we are for deliverance, our stubborn hearts delay in finding Jesus. I hope 2019 is a year where people seek and find Jesus.
Chip- thank you!
It is a good thing to be reminded that our times are no more difficult than when Christ was born. The Light can still overcome the darkness – He is our hope.
Beautiful and I love the section on the names of God. They tell us so much about our savior
This definitely triggered some good thoughts and helpful questions to ask oneself… I especially appreciated your words: “Are you feeling apathetic or despair over your circumstances? Do you yearn for something more…” I thing the holidays can come with some busyness and sadness, and sometimes we don’t even realize how we are truly feeling. Thanks for reminding us to keep our eyes on the Savior!
Thank you for pointing to the hope we have in Jesus !