How You Benefit When You Pray for Your Husband
Inside: Praying for our husband is an important practice if we want happy and healthy marriages. When we pray for our spouse, it opens the door for transformation in not only our spouse but also us.
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I messed up.
Not just once or twice, but I’ve been messing up during the last 19 years.
You see… I haven’t been covering my husband in prayer.
Sure, I prayed for his health, faith, and wisdom, but I’ve missed so many other areas. I may have even on occasion prayed for God to change him.
The problem is: I didn’t know I was missing such a powerful practice that I could be doing for my husband. I could request and come before the throne of the Living God on behalf of my husband.
In The Power of A Praying Wife, Stormie Omartian says, “The power of a praying wife is not a means of control over your husband, but it’s laying down all claim to power in and of yourself, and relying on God’s power to transform you, your husband, your circumstances, and your marriage.”
Why Should We Be Appealing for Our Husbands?
Evil is Present and Targeting Us
There is an enemy out there that wants to derail our husbands, us, and our marriages.
Satan wants to see us broken, divorced, and defeated. He wants to fill us and our marriages with lies. Share on XThe devil knows if he can bombard us with problems in our marriage, it will flow into every other part of our lives.
We Become a Strong Team
What happens to the other half of us affects us. When we pray for our men, we are praying for ourselves.
8 and the two are united into one. Since they are no longer two but one, 9 let no one split apart what God has joined together.
If our spouse struggles with addiction or infidelity, it is going to affect us and our children. When we pray, we are putting a protective barrier surrounding our spouse and our marriage.
Does this mean we won’t have problems in the marriage? Of course not, but it’s praying for soft hearts, forgiveness, and the ability to love unconditionally when we hit the rough patches.
Praying for a hedge of protection around our husband flows into protection for our kids and us.
Satan knows if we stay together in marriage we are powerful.
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
Nothing makes Satan squirm more than to have powerful couples living in faith in their marriages Share on X.
**need some Bible verses for your marriage?**
We can overcome strongholds when we have God, the encouragement, and support of our spouses. Nothing is too powerful for our 3-strand cord.
Builds Intimacy with God and Our Husbands
By being intentional in prayer for our husbands, we send a message to God and them that they are a priority in our lives.
Prayer helps God transform our thinking and our hard hearts. Instead of thinking, our spouse needs to change through prayer; God works in our hearts.
The act of prayer builds us up and gives us encouragement that God is working behind the scenes.
Focusing on praying for our husbands also allows us to observe our husbands and see what or how we can pray for them Share on X.
We become better attuned to our husband’s feelings and presence.
How Do We Petition?
Remember how I admitted that in my past, I didn’t really pray for my husband. Well, when I read The Power of a Praying Wife, I immediately felt overwhelmed. How was I going to pray daily for all these areas of my husband’s life? The thought of doing it made me stressed-out.
Here’s what God has been showing me: He knows me better than I know myself; He knows my heart. The Holy Spirit will nudge me when there is something specific to pray about. So we make the intention to pray more, but God also understands our humanness.
If you’re able, choose a focus area of your husband’s life and pray for him on that focus word throughout the day. If you have a godly marriage role model or small group of Christian friends, join in praying for your husbands and marriages.
Here’s a link to the Book of Prayers by Stormie Omartian.
How Does Prayer Benefit Us When We Are Praying for Our Husbands?
We’ve all prayed for God to change someone, but many times God changes us in the process. This is paramount in marriage.
Shows me where I’m missing the mark
When we live in such close quarters being two sinful human beings, there’s bound to be trouble. When we are intentional about praying for our husbands, God softens our hearts. We may pray for God to help our husband with the finances, but through prayer, God reveals to us that we haven’t been good stewards of His money.
When my husband went through rehabilitation for his alcohol addiction, I was praying for his recovery and sobriety. Through that season, God showed me I add some of my own addictions to worry and anxiety. I was asking God to grow my husband’s trust in Him, but I think God was working on me also.
Reign in our tongues and go to God in prayer
Prayer can help us turn to God when our feelings and frustrations start to mount instead of spewing them out at our husbands.
Happier, more fulfilling marriages
By using prayer more intentionally in our marriages, we can have happier and more fulfilling unions.
We will never be happy until we make God the source of our fulfillment and the answer to our longings. He is the only one who should have power over our souls.
― Stormie Omartian
The Power of a Praying® WifeThe Power of a Praying® Wife Book of Prayers
The Power of a Praying® Wife Prayer and Study Guide
The Power of a Praying® Wife Devotional
The Power of Prayer™ to Change Your Marriage
The Power of a Praying Wife: A Bible Study Workbook for Video Curriculum
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This is so perfect for me right now. God has been reminding me again and again how my prayer life is lacking, especially for my husband. I’ve been in a rut of praying for the same things each day. And the things I pray for are important, but I know, like you said, that I’m missing out on so many other things to pray for him. Thanks for this encouragement!
I’m glad it’s helpful to you, Emily!
I love your prayer prompts. Too often I fail to pray for my husband as I should. I’m just not a mighty prayer warrior in general. That’s not an excuse, and I know I need to do better, but that’s where I am right now. Thanks for reminding me about Stormie’s book. I have it but still need to read it… Thanks for this call to action to be more intentional about praying for my husband.
Heather- I think you will find Stormie’s book super helpful to this!
Juli,I love this, your post is powerful.Every Christian woman who wants her marriage to stand the test of time must be on her knees always.I know how prayers have impacted on my life and my marriage. My husband almost become a victim of infidelity,and instead of praying for him I was condemning him.By the time God opened my eyes to prayer,and I began praying, God revealed to me my own failures.By His grace as I started working on myself while still praying God took control and Satan was put to shame.
God bless your ministry.
Sarah- thank you for sharing your story and how praying helped you!
I love this! Marriages are definitely a way the enemy tries to break us down. One of my pastors said that the best marriage advice he has gotten was to remember that your marriage is the best way to proclaim the Gospel. I love the chart you posted and I pinned it. I’m totally going to use this in the future!
MJ- your pastor is so wise! Thank you for sharing this!
What a wonderful post full of deep truths!
Heather- thank you!
Beautiful prayer prompts. It is so important to cover our husbands in prayer.
Things change when we trust God to effect the changes!
This is definitely something I need to do more… like, DAILY. Thank you for this!
My husband and I will celebrate 41 years on March 3, 2020. We are blessed to have a loving, compassionate marriage. There have been struggles along the way. Health, finances, caring for aging parents and more. But we grow more in love everyday. 🙂 We pray for each other.
I’ve started reading through Power of a Praying Wife, in anticipation of getting married this July. I love the 30 focus areas, Scripture to pray, and that it begins with praying for us to be the godly wives our husbands need. Thank you for this post! Kingdom Sharers has put me in touch with several godly married women and I’m grateful for your wisdom as I prepare to wed.
Julie, I’ve read “The Power of a Praying Wife,” and several of her books. Yes, the Lord has shown me over the last few years the importance of prayer overall in my life, my family, my marriage, and on the Christian journey. It really makes all the difference, in a good way, when we pray over our husbands.
I just woke up and the Holy Spirit made me to read this article. I do keep my husband in my daily prayer, but don’t know how to pray. I really wanted to know how to pray as a godly women and make this marriage work
Sandy- pray to God like you’d talk to someone special. God just wants to have a relationship with you! He wants you to come to Him just as you are!