
How to be a Great Christian Mom

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Inside: A great Christian mom supports, trains and encourages her children to follow God’s words, lives how God desires and participates in Kingdom work.

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I had just spent the day catering to my kids’ wants and needs. I had spent money on clothes for their bodies, food for their tummies and gadgets for their hands. As we headed home in the van, this momma was disheveled and weary, one of my sons said: “Mom, you failed at doing XYZ and keeping your promise (it was regarding an electric scooter that Dad promised btw).”

My whole being felt like a lite stack of dynamite, ready to implode and blow up all over the van. I wanted to say, “you ungrateful…,” but I managed to grab a handful of gum and focus on chewing the egg-sized wad now in my mouth.

Is it just me, or some days you feel like you give and give and it’s not enough?

Many days, I feel like I’m failing this thing called mothering. It’s one thing to not measure up to yourself, but when your pint-sized minions are talking trash at you for blowing it, your mind envisions pinstriped prison garb for this pee wee crowd.

I’ve heard it again and again till I’m blue in the face that I influence my kids, and it scares me more than anything. I’m a big ole mess. I screw up more than I get it right.

Here’s my million dollar question, how do I be a great Christian mom?

Honestly, I don’t want more to do. I can’t follow a rigid checklist because I will give up.

I’m overwhelmed and weary as it is. If keeping a tidy house doesn’t matter to kids, and my presence matters. How do I find the balance in being available, but not letting my home look like the end of a frat party?

Can I give my kids a solid foundation especially in the midst of the present day world?

How to be the best Christian mom. A great Christian mom supports, trains and encourages her children to follow God’s words, live how God desires and participate in Kingdom work. #quotes #blogs #encouragement #TheBible

Being a Great Mom Right Where You Are

Being an amazing mom might conjure up thoughts of Pinterest, seven-course meals or an endless supply of money, but what if I said being a great Christian mom only required the Bible’s teaching and the desire to be more Christ-like?

We wouldn’t need a degree in ministry or classes on the ancient Biblical languages. The great part is we can begin with what we know. As we grow in faith, our mothering will grow also.

Becoming a great Christian mother does require some hard work on our part: a willingness to learn, intentionality to be still during the day and connect with God, and standing out sometimes from other moms.

When we spend time connecting with God, our daily load lightens, the weariness exchanges and our perspective changes. We find true refreshment!

I don’t know about you, but that sounds like things I don’t want to miss!

A Great Christian Mom lives in the Light

God desires Christians to be different, to stand out from society. His word calls us to be salty. As Christian moms, we have the opportunity to produce salty kids. The only way to get our saltiness to rub off on our offspring is to model what God’s word says.

Our job is extra special because the lessons and truths we teach aren’t fleeting, but will last forever. I don’t know about you, but it also makes this job extra important.

(Ephesians 5:1, NLT).

5 Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.
Reality is, we aren’t doing it alone, but rather, God is with us especially when we ask for His help.

A great Christian mom supports, trains and encourages her children to follow God’s words, lives how God desires and participates in Kingdom work.

Her entire day encompasses God in what she says, does and is.

And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. 7 Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. 8 Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. 9 Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates (Deuteronomy 6:6-9, NLT).

10 Ways to be a Christian Mom:

1. Plant the seed of faith and water it daily (with God’s help)
2. Pray for your children
3.Demonstrate wisdom and kindness
4. Model in front of your kids the importance of spending time in the Word
5. Show love within the family and outside the family
6. Serve others inside and outside the home
7. Model honesty and grace
8. Showcase integrity
9. Respect and love your husband
10. Teach wisdom with money and how it belongs to God

A Mom full of Grace

When we are present to model this behavior to our children, we can be confident they will have a solid foundation.

It doesn’t mean our kids won’t mess up or get into trouble because we live in a sinful world where we all miss the mark daily. However, as we model grace to our children, we can lead them to the grace and mercy God has for them and us.

Being a great mom isn’t about the perfect possessions, but rather modeling a Christ-like position. Share on X


Motherhood is more than a stage—
it’s a lifelong calling from God.
With it He gives us hearts that love deeply,
hands that serve tirelessly, and vision to see
His blossoming image in the precious ones
entrusted to our care.
– The heart of a Mother

How to be the best Christian mom. A great Christian mom supports, trains and encourages her children to follow God’s words, live how God desires and participate in Kingdom work. #quotes #blogs #encouragement #TheBible

Dear momma- as you’re raising those kids, lean into God. Ask for His guidance and help. Trust and believe He will enable you to be the best mother for these children He has chosen for you! You can’t do this job without Him.

Heavenly Father- I thank you for the gift of these kids. It’s a scary and overwhelming job to raise them in this world to be salty and set apart. I need your help, the days are long, and things are overwhelming. Please guide me and help me see what’s important. Let me lay down the unimportant to model the life-changing truths to my kids. I get stuck on what I possess and not my position. Prick my heart to the eternal things. Amen!


Mom Set Free: Find Relief from the Pressure to Get It All RightMom Set Free: Find Relief from the Pressure to Get It All RightInspirational Coloring for Mom: Hardcover Christian Coloring Book for MothersInspirational Coloring for Mom: Hardcover Christian Coloring Book for MothersHope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma's HeartHope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma’s Heart

How to be the best Christian mom. A great Christian mom supports, trains and encourages her children to follow God’s words, live how God desires and participate in Kingdom work. #quotes #blogs #encouragement #TheBible
How to be the best Christian mom. A great Christian mom supports, trains and encourages her children to follow God’s words, live how God desires and participate in Kingdom work. #quotes #blogs #encouragement #TheBible


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  1. Pingback: The Best Reasons Moms don't Need to be Judged - Unmasking the Mess
  2. “God desires Christians to be different, to stand out among society. ” If only we all would live brave as who God created us to be. Good post. Stopping by From Jennifer Lee’s blog. So nice to meet you.

    1. Sue- you are not an awful mom, get rid of that lie right away! It’s a work-in-progress but with God’s help we can get there:)

  3. Some times I do these things but get caught up in the ways I’m failing. I love how this list gives some tangible things to remind us that we ARE doing some things right and pointing our kids to Jesus in our parenting, loving of others and our husbands. Found you on the Salt&Light linkup and glad I did.

  4. Oh, Julie. I just loved reading this. Such an encouragement to my heart. Thank you for reminding us our position before Christ is the very most important thing about us. God is so good!

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  6. Yep, been there and done that, Julie! It’s so grueling and thankless sometimes to be a mom. But I’m like you. I want to keep doing this important task God has called us to with His grace, love and wisdom always in place. I love this post and will be pinning it up the wazoo! Thanks, my friend!

  7. Great post and list! This post is so accurate. Being a mother can be so challenging and overwhelming at times but it is also extremely rewarding.

  8. Beautifully said, Julie! It gets hard sometimes, doesn’t it? I had one of those days yesterday. But as I fell asleep, I thought about how it doesn’t matter so much if they’re mad at me or if my kids even like me. What matters is am I modeling Christianity for them and raising them up right in the Lord. I hope so!

  9. I couldn’t begin to imagine having my child talk trash about all that I do for them! But thank you for sharing your experiences, as I’m sure you’re not alone in them. I will be sharing!

  10. I especially like number ten too. We all fail at times, and it’s important that we let kids be imperfect–while still shaping their character–and that we acknowledge our imperfections too. We won’t be perfect until we get to Heaven. Thanks and God bless!

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